[NIFL-ESL:10439] Freire and adult ESL

From: PAUL ROGERS (pwaynerogers@yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Sep 02 2004 - 16:03:44 EDT

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I just came upon a very interesting ariticle on
applying Freire's methods to adult ESL:
How can the Freirean approach be adapted for use in
ESL literacy education?
Literacy teachers in the United States and Canada who
work with adult nonnative speakers of English have
attempted to apply Freire's general approach using
compatible ESL teaching methods and techniques. In
doing so, they have had to overcome two important
difficulties. First, Freire's approach assumes that
learners are highly knowledgeable about the culture in
which they live, and that they are expert speakers of
the language that they are learning to read and write.
For nonnative speakers of English in predominantly
English-speaking countries, neither of these
conditions pertains. How can teachers pose problems
for their classes to discuss in English, and then
develop literacy lessons based on these discussions,
if their students cannot speak English?

A number of authors have suggested that beginning ESL
students can develop problem-posing and dialogue
skills rather early on in their acquisition of
English. Teachers can foster the process by focusing
their initial instruction on development of their
students' descriptive vocabularies and teaching them
to use questions to exchange information in English.
Some familiar ESL methods and techniques that have
been used by Freirean practitioners to develop
students' descriptive and questioning abilities have
included language experience stories, oral histories,
Total Physical Response activities, picture stories,
the use of flash cards to introduce new vocabulary and
structures, and skits conducted with puppets
(Wallerstein, 1983; Nash, Cason, Rhum, McGrail, &
Gomez-Sanford, in press; Faigin, 1985; Auerbach &
Wallerstein, 1987; Barndt & Marino, 1983).

A second problem for ESL teachers is that the spelling
and syllabic structures of English do not lend
themselves to the syllabary method originally used by
Freire in Spanish and Portuguese. How, then, can
generative words be used to build word-attack skills
in reading and writing? Ra£l A¤orve, a literacy
trainer for California Literacy, uses a whole-word and
word-family method. Learners memorize the spelling of
each new vocabulary word and place them in lists of
other words on the basis of similar morphological
structure or related meaning. For example, the word
"American" might appear in two different word lists:
in one with words like "African," "Dominican," and
"Canadian," and in another with words suggested by
students like "apple pie," "Statue of Liberty," and
"rich" (A¤orve, personal communication, October 10,

Other practitioners adapt the use of generative words
to the phonics method of reading instruction, where
students learn the spelling patterns of English in
order to be able to sound out new words they need to
read and write. In languages such as Spanish and
Portugguese, generative words contain syllables that
can be recombined to form new words. In English,
generative words are used to teach other words witht
he same sound-letter correspondences or similar
morphological structure (Long & Speigel-Podnecky,
1988). Still others have abandoned the use of
generative words altogether in favor of other whole
language techniques developed for English.

How can the ESL curriculum be based on students' life
experiences and cultures when teachers do not speak
students' languages?
In her book Language and Culture in Conflict, Nina
Wallerstein (1983) emphasizes that ESL teachers and
students typically come from different cultural,
linguistic, and economic backgrounds that need to be
recognized as equally valid. To bridge this experience
gap, teachers must make special efforts to get to know
the realities faced by students in their personal
lives and communities, either by living among their
students or by observing in class and in the
community. Wallerstein recommends that teachers visit
the homes of their students as invited guests to learn
first hand about their lives and families. To learn
about the cultural attributes of students, teachers
should attempt to be present as observers at times of
cultural transmission from the older generation to the
younger (social rites and child-rearing practices) and
of cultural preservation (festivals and historic
celebrations in the students' neighborhoods). They
should learn about times of cultural disruption by
asking students either in simplified English or
through an interpreter to describe their immigration
to the host country and to compare their lives in the
two countries. Teachers should also become familiar
with the neighborhoods where students live, walking in
them with students, taking photographs, and bringing
realia back to class to discuss. In class, teachers
should observe student interactions, including body
language, and take note of students' actions, because
these usually reveal their priorities and problems.
The teacher should also invite students to share
objects from their cultures with others in class.

Having a bilingual aide in the ESL class can also
facilitate dialogue on the cultural themes and
problems that generate the curriculum in the Freirean
approach. Hemmendinger (1987) found cultural themes
and problems for the curriculum through classroom
observation and conversations with her Laotian Hmong
students. Sometimes problem-posing activities resulted
from the sharing of cultural information; at other
times the discussion of a problem led to intercultural
dialogue. In one instance, for example, she found a
student closely examining all the potted plants in the
class. When Hemmindinger, through the bilingual aide,
inquired as to why the student was interested in the
plants, she found that he was a practitioner of Hmong
herbal medicine. This theme led to a discussion of
Hmong health and medicinal practices as they compared
to those practiced by the dominant culture in Canada
and problems that students were having as they
confronted the Canadian health-care system.

Can the Freirean approach be used with
competency-based approaches to ESL?
Although some educators advocating the Freirean
approach have criticized competency-based ESL as being
a form of "banking education" (Auerbach & Burgess,
1985; Graman, 1988), other Freire-inspired ESL
teachers have described their use of competency-based
instruction within the Freirean framework to teach
specific language skills and functions (Faigin, 1985;
Hemmendinger, 1987). Working with Central American
refugees in Washington, DC, Spener (1990a) adapted the
Freirean approach to the selection and development of
ESL competencies in the curriculum. In bilingual
discussion workshops, Spener and his students engaged
in posing problems in which the solutions were related
to the learning of English. The product of each of
these workshops was a class syllabus agreed on by the
group that included the daily situations where
students felt improving their English would help them
most. For each situation on a class's syllabus, Spener
wrote out specific ESL competencies in Spanish and
English that he would then bring back to class for the
students to reject, modify, or approve for inclusion
in their syllabus. The syllabus, which was called the
study agenda, served as a guide to follow, allowing
Spener and his students to incorporate other elements
of dialogue and problem"posing in class sessions to
enrich the educational process (Spener, 1990a, 1990b).

A¤orve, R. L. (1989). Community-based literacy
educators: experts and catalysts for change. New
Directions for Continuing Education, 42, 35-42. 

Ashton-Warner, S. (1963). Teacher. New York: Simon and

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action: Problem-posing at work. Reading, MA:

Auerbach, E. R., & Burgess, D. (1985). The hidden
curriculum of survival ESL. TESOL Quarterly, 10,

Barndt, D., & Marino, D. (1983). Getting there:
Producing photostories with immigrant women. Toronto,
Ontario: Between the Lines.

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Education for indigenous groups in Brazil. Working
Papers in Educational Linguistics, 43-62.
Philadelphia: Language Education Division of the
University of Pennsylvania.

Collins, S. D., Balmuth, M., & Jean, P. (1989). So we
can use our own names, and write the laws by which we
live: Educating the new U.S. labor Force. Harvard
Educational Review, 59, 454-469.

Facundo, B. (1984). Issues for an evaluation of
Freire-inspired programs in the United States and
Puerto Rico. Reston, VA: Latino Institute. (ERIC
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 243 998)

Faigin, S. (1985). Basic ESL literacy from a Freirean
perspective: a curriculum unit for farmworker
education. Major essay for the degree of Master of
Education, University of British Columbia. (ERIC
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 274 196)

Fargo, G.A. (1981). The power of literacy applied to
traditional birth attendants, Saulteaux-Cree Indians
and Hawaiian children. Paper presented at the 48th
annual meeting of the Claremont Reading Conference.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED
201967)Freire, P. (1973). Education for critical
consciousness. New York: Seabury Press.

Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New
York: The Continuum Publishing Corporation.

Goodman, K. (1986). What's whole in whole language?
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Graman, T. (1988). Education for humanization:
Applying Paulo Freire's pedagogy to learning a second
language. Harvard Educational Review, 58, 433-448.

Gudschinsky, S. C. (1976). Handbook of literacy.
Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

Hamayan, E., & Pfleger, M. (1987). Developing literacy
in English as a second language: guidelines for
teachers of young children from non-iterate
backgrounds. Teacher Resource Guide Number 1.
Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual
Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED
290 343)

Hemmendinger, A. (1987). Two models for using
problem-posing and cultural sharing in teaching the
Hmong English as a second language and first language
literacy. Unpublished master's thesis, St. Francis
Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

Hope, A., Timmel S., & Hodzi, C. (1984). Training for
transformation, Vols. I, II & III. Harare, Zimbabwe:
Mambo Press.

Jurmo, P. (1987). Learner participation practices in
adult literacy in the United States. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts.

Laubach, F. C. (1947). Teaching the world to read. New
York: Friendship Press.

Long, L. D., & Spiegel-Podnecky, J. (1988). In Print.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Nash, A., Cason, A., Rhum, M., McGrail, &
Gomez-Sanford, R. (1989). Talking shop: a curriculum
sourcebook for participatory adult ESL. Boston:
English Family Literacy Project of the University of

Newman, J., (Ed.). (1985). Whole language: Theory in
use. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Noble, P. (1983). Formation of Freirean facilitators.
Chicago, IL: Latino Institute. (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED 256 845)

Rabideau, D. (Ed.). (1989). El espanol en marcha
[Spanish on the March]. Comite de Educacion Basica en

Shor, I., & Freire, P. (1987). A pedagogy for
liberation: Dialogues on transforming education with
Ira Shor and Paulo Freire. New York: Bergin and

Simich-Dudgeon, C. (1989). English literacy
development: Approaches and strategies that work with
limited English proficient children and adults
(Occasional Papers in Bilingual Education, 12).
Washington, DC: New Focus: The National Clearinghouse
for Bilingual Education Spener, D. (1990a). Setting an
agenda for study in home-based ESL classes with native
speakers of Spanish. Unpublished manuscript.

Spener, D. (1990b). Suggested structure for meetings
of home-based ESL classes for native speakers of
Spanish. Unpublished manuscript. (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED 318 300).

Wallerstein, N. (1983). Language and culture in
conflict: Problem-posing in the ESL classroom.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

For Further Reading
Association for Community Based Education. (1988).
Literacy for empowerment: A resource handbook for
community based educators. Washington, DC: Author.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 321 593)

Auerbach, E.R. (1989). Toward a social-contextual
approach to family literacy. Harvard Educational
Review, 59, 105-151. 

Auerbach, E. R. (in press). Making meaning, making
change: Participatory curriculum development for adult
ESL literacy. Washington, DC and McHenry, IL: Center
for Applied Linguistics and Delta Systems. 

Fauteux, D., & Alamo, M. (1991). Palabras de lucha y
alegria [Words of struggle and joy]. Syracuse, NY: New
Readers Press.

Freire, P. (1985). The politics of education. New
York: Bergin and Garvey.

Rivera, K.M. (1990). Devewloping native language
literacy in language minority adults. ERIC Digest.
Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse on Literacy

Vella, J. K. (1989). Learning to teach: Training of
trainers for community development. Washington, DC:
OEF International.


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