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Department of Justice Seal
U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       


                                                                              Washington, D.C. 20530

September 17, 2001


FROM:             Joanne W. Simms
                         Director, Personnel Staff
                         Justice Management Division

SUBJECT:      Employee Work Status on September 11-12, 2001

This provides guidance on the status of employees of Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area for Tuesday, September 11, and Wednesday, September 12, 2001. The Department is following the guidance issued by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) via their web site on this matter.

Specifically, agencies in the Washington, DC, area are instructed to follow the "Washington, DC, Area Emergency Dismissal or Closure Procedures." Emergency employees in all agencies were expected to remain at work or report for work on time on Tuesday, September 11, and on Wednesday, September 12, 2001.

Non-emergency Department employees who were on duty September 11 when Federal government offices closed in response to the attacks on America should be excused from work from the time of their dismissal through the remainder of the day. Employees who were on leave, but would have reported later in the day, should be charged leave until the time of dismissal and then excused absence from work for the remainder of the day. Employees who had scheduled approved leave for the entire day should be charged leave for that day. Employees who left work before being dismissed should be charged leave rather than excused absence, unless the agency determines that excused absence is appropriate because of unusual circumstances or hardships specific to the employee. In addition, because of the unusual circumstances of the events on September 11, non-emergency employees who were prevented from reporting to work may be granted excused absence for the entire workday. Exceptions to these policies should be made only in unusual cases.

On Wednesday, September 12, 2001, Federal government offices were open, but non-emergency employees were permitted to use unscheduled leave. Employees who chose to use unscheduled leave should have notified their supervisors of their decision to do so. In addition, agencies have discretion in approving excused absence for employees who were prevented by circumstances from reporting on time.

The above guidance applies only to employees of Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area. Federal agencies with offices in the New York City area whose employees were affected by the attack on the World Trade Center may follow the recommendations on the work status of Federal employees issued by the Federal Executive Board for New York City. The full list of guidance OPM has issued is available as "Post-Disaster Guidance for Human Resources Professionals" on its web site at

Questions from human resources staff members concerning these matters may be directed to Margaret Foskey, of the Personnel Staff's Policy Group, on (202) 514-6778, or via e-mail at Questions from employees should be directed to their servicing human resources offices.

cc: Melinda Morgan, JMD HRSAG

Page created September 17, 2001