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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
Personnel Staff                       


                                                                                 Washington, D.C. 20530

November 9, 2000


FROM:             Joanne W. Simms
                          Director, Personnel Staff
                          Justice Management Division

SUBJECT:      FY2001 Senior Executive Development Series

This memorandum and attached flyer with proposed agenda, announces the first seminar in the Department of Justice Senior Executive Development Series for Fiscal Year 2001. The Attorney General, who is sponsoring the seminars through the Special Projects Fund has stated, "The Department of Justice's commitment to excellence requires that we continue to develop the expertise of our executives". This series provides all Department of Justice Senior Executive Service (SES) members, and senior managers and supervisors at GS-14 and above, an excellent opportunity to learn the latest management thinking that will lead us into the future.

The first seminar in this series is the "Growing Leaders for the 21st Century Workshop" scheduled on December 1, 2000. Please distribute this memo and the attached information to all your SES members, managers and supervisors at GS-14 and above.

There is no-cost for attending the seminar. The deadline for registration is November 27, 2000. Registrants will be required to complete a self administered assessment tool, if available to distribute prior to the workshop, otherwise, during the workshop. Up to one hundred senior executives, managers and supervisors, who meet the eligibility criteria, of GS-14 and above, may register via e-mail with alejandro.m.bartning@usdoj.gov or by calling (202) 616-3619. All confirmed participants will be notified when they are registered to attend.


Attention! Attention ! Attention!

Executives, Managers and Supervisors

"Growing Leaders for the 21st Century Workshop"

This no-cost seminar is offered Department-wide to executives, senior managers & supervisors, GS-14 and above.

Time/Date:  Friday, December 1, 2000, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Who: Robert Franco, Office of Personnel Management

Where:  Office of Justice Programs Conference Center and Library, 3rd Floor, 810 7th Street, NW.

Topics:  Self-assessment tool, which covers all 27 leadership competencies; Understanding the Leadership Competencies; Career Development Strategies; Understanding the Senior Executive Service selection process; and Effective personal marketing techniques for personal advancement; and effective interviewing techniques for senior executive positions.

This 2001 Senior Executive Development Series workshop focuses on building and enhancing competencies in Strategic Thinking, Problem Solving, Human Resources Management, and Interpersonal Skills, and others.

Details:  The deadline for registration is November 27, 2000. Registrants will be required to complete a self-administered assessment tool, if available to distribute prior to the workshop. Executives, managers and supervisors, GS-14 and above, can register via e-mail with alejandro.m.bartning@usdoj.gov or by calling (202) 616-3619. The first 100 registrants, who register will attend.

A Leadership Workshop

In Partnership between the Department of Justice and The Office of Personnel Management
December 1, 2000

 9:00 AM Welcome

Review of the ECQ Self-Assessment Tool
(What are my strengths and weaknesses?)

Introduction to the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) and Leadership Competencies
(What qualifications must I meet?)

Career Development Strategies
(How can I best develop myself?)
12:00 PM Lunch
  1:00 PM The Senior Executive Service Selection process
(How am I evaluated?)

Writing ECQ statements
(How do I best market myself on paper?)

Marketing Techniques for Personal Advancement/Effective Interviewing Techniques
(How do I best market myself in person?)
  4:00 PM Adjourn

Last Updated November 14, 2000