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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       

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Washington, D.C. 20530

June 18, 2002


FROM:            Debra M. Tomchek
                         Director, Human Resources

SUBJECT:      "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most" Seminar

This memorandum and attached information announces the continuation of the FY 2002 Department of Justice Executive Development Program Series. The seminar is titled, "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most" with invited guest speaker, Dr. Sheila Heen, Partner, Triad Consulting Group, Inc. This two and a half hour seminar will provide Department of Justice executives, senior managers, and supervisors, at the GS-14 level and above, insights on the challenges of communication and building coalitions. Please distribute this memo and the attached announcement to all your organization's Senior Executive Service (SES) members, managers and supervisors, GS-14 and above.

There is no cost for attending the seminar scheduled on September 24, 2002 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The deadline for registration is September 10, 2002, or until the seminar is full. SES members, senior managers and supervisors, GS-14 level and above, may register via e-mail with or by calling (202) 616-3619. The seminar will be filled on a first-register, first-attend basis to the specified number of registrants. All confirmed participants will be notified when they are registered to attend.


Attention! Attention ! Attention!

Executives, Managers and Supervisors

"Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most"

This no cost session is offered Department-wide to Senior Executive Service(SES) members, senior managers and supervisors, GS-14 and above.

Date/Time:  September 24, 2002 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Who:  Guest Speaker, Dr. Sheila Heen, Partner, Triad Consulting Group, Inc.

Where:  Main Justice Building, 7th Floor Conference Room, 10th & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Topics:  Insights on the challenges of Communication/Building Coalitions

This Executive Development Series seminar focuses on building and enhancing leadership competencies in Oral Communication, Influencing/Negotiating, and Interpersonal Skills.

Details:  The deadline for registration is September 10, 2002. SES members, senior managers and supervisors, GS-14 and above, can register via e-mail with or by calling (202) 616-3619. The first one hundred registrants will attend.

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Page created June 19, 2002