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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       

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Washington, D.C. 20530

May 15, 2003


FROM:            Debra M. Tomchek
                         Director, Human Resources
                         Justice Management Division

SUBJECT:      SES Forum Series: "Change Leadership Today:  Lessons from the Frontlines of Organizational Change"

This memorandum announces the Senior Executive Service Forum Series, "Change Leadership Today: Lessons from the Front lines of Organizational Change" event to be held on June 11, 2003, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Please share this memorandum with Senior Executive Service (SES) members in your organization.

The presenter Patricia McLagan, is the Chairman and CEO of McLagan International. She is the co-host of the Internet radio show, The Changing World of Work, on, and the on-line publisher of "theRITEstuff Reports," a site that provides best practice lessons from the world’s research. Ms. McLagan draws extensively on the world’s research into what works to achieve sustained results in organization. Her reports, Success with Change, Success with Alliances, Success with Employees, Success with Customers, and Success Globally summarize major findings from around the world on the practices that get results. She also focus on integrating technology and people in ways that help both the organization and its people to flourish.

Senior Executive Service members can attend the program by registering by June 2, 2003. Seating is limited and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Each component will initially be limited to two seats. SES participants can register for the event by sending an email to If you need additional information, please call Mary R. Jones on (202) 616-3619. All confirmed participants will be notified when they are on the roster. There is no cost to attend this event.

This program is the fifth in a series of SES Forum Series programs that the Department of Justice is providing to DOJ SES members during FY 2003. The SES Forum Series is a consortium of several Federal agencies including the Department of Justice. DOJ participates in the series as part of our continuing effort to provide premium developmental opportunities to executives and to maintain the high quality of departmental leadership.

Information on future SES Forum Series events can be found at

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Page created:  May 20, 2003