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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       

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Washington, D.C. 20530

March 1, 2004


FROM:            Debra M. Tomchek
                         Director, Human Resources

SUBJECT:       Department of Justice (DOJ) Leadership Development Program Series "Leading People Through Change with William Bridges"

This memorandum announces the second seminar in FY’04 for the DOJ Leadership Development Program Series. This will be a partnered venture between the Justice Management Division’s Personnel Staff and the Management and Planning Staff. In addition to providing a leadership development opportunity focused on managing change, this seminar will highlight the Ninth House E-Learning tool available to executives and managers for other professional development.

This event will feature William Bridges, a pioneer and leader in the field of transition management. Mr. Bridges is widely recognized for his breakthrough thinking on how to help people to deal productively with change. He is the author of ten books, including his best selling Transitions and Managing Transitions. In addition, Mr. Bridges is a content professor with the Ninth House consulting and training team consisting of Clifton Taulbert, Tom Peters, Ken Blanchard, Larraine Segil and many other leading business minds.

This session will be held on March 11, 2004, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Great Hall at the Main DOJ. Please distribute this memo and the attached flyer to all of your Senior Executive Service members, as well as managers and supervisors at the GS-14/15 levels.

There is no cost to attend this seminar. The deadline for registration is March 8, 2004. SES members, senior managers and supervisors, GS-14 level and above, may register via e: mail by sending your request to:

If you need additional information, please call Mary R. Jones on (202) 616-3619 or Karen McFadden on (202) 307-3814. There is limited seating and the seminar will be filled on a first-registered, first-attend basis. All confirmed participants will be notified by e: mail when they are registered to attend.

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Page created March 2, 2004