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Department of Justice Seal
U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       

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Washington, D.C. 20530

March 10, 2004


FROM:            Debra M. Tomchek
                         Director, Human Resources

SUBJECT:      Retroactive 2004 Pay Adjustments

Attached for your information is an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) memorandum that describes the retroactive 2004 pay adjustments, and provides Web links to the revised 2004 salary tables. Of the 4.1 percent average increase, 2.7 percent is allocated as an across-the-board increase to the rates of basic pay for the statutory pay systems, including the General Schedule. An additional 1.4 percent of payroll is allocated to increases in locality rates of pay. Effective January 11, 2004, salary tables in the following pay plans will be adjusted to reflect these pay adjustments:

  • General Schedule (GS);
  • Senior Level (SL) (may or may not impact individuals);
  • Immigration Judge (IJ); and
  • Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).

Pay adjustments for Administratively-Determined (AD) pay plans will be adjusted in accordance with the Deputy Attorney General's determinations. Since Executive Schedule (EX) positions, statutory special salary rates for law enforcement officers, and OPM-approved special salary rates do not receive locality pay, these schedules will be adjusted based on the guidance from OPM.

The National Finance Center will process the majority of the pay adjustments systemically. The Justice Management Division's Human Resource Systems Analysis Group will issue guidance outlining steps which may be required by the Servicing Personnel Offices in cases that require manual intervention.

Members of your staff may direct questions to Rob Jezek, of my staff’s Workforce Effectiveness Group, on (202) 353-7786, or at or Valerie Willis, Assistant Director, Leadership Effectiveness Group (LEG), on (202) 514-6794, or


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Page created:  March 12, 2004