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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       

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Washington, D.C. 20530

December 18, 2003


FROM:            Debra M. Tomchek
                         Director, Human Resources

SUBJECT:      Implementation of New Performance Management Order

The new Department of Justice order for performance management is final. It can be viewed on the web site at An advance copy is transmitted with this memorandum. Thank you and your staff for your diligent participation in this Departmental project. The order is the result of our mutual cooperation, support, and teamwork. There are no changes to the order since your last review. The union did not comment. Briefly, the overall changes from the old order to the new one are:

    Overall Changes to the Order

  • Changes the title of the order from "Performance Appraisal" to "Performance Management."

  • Addresses creating a clear linkage between the strategic goals of the organization by aligning organizational goals with individual performance.

  • Includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the coverage.

  • Requires that performance standards be results-based with standards that are measurable, observable, and/or verifiable.

  • Permits the use of five performance patterns.

  • Creates standard descriptors for the summary levels (outstanding, excellent, successful, minimally satisfactory, and unacceptable).

  • Requires at least one progress review.

  • States that the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General may issue mandatory elements which components must include in the employees’ performance plans.

  • Clarifies under "Documentation and Reporting" that previously approved performance programs must be amended to conform to this order.

  • Communications with Managers and Employees
We strongly encourage you to communicate with your managers and employees to explain to them the changes in the performance order. They need to understand the linkage between the strategic plan and the performance standards. To assist you in communicating the change, we have provided reference resources which may be found on our web site at www.usdoj/jmd/ps/newguidance.htm. Additionally, the following aids are attached or will be provided.
  • A power point presentation that you may modify. This presentation may be a useful tool for you as you communicate with your managers and employees about the strategic plan and its linkage to the performance management process. Please include the name of your organization and the date on the title page. Also, attached is a copy of a suggested guidebook, "Goal Setting for Results." It addresses the fundamentals of setting and achieving goals. We also recommend the use of the OPM handbook, "A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance."

  • A sample email message which you may also modify. It is a model of a brief announcement to send to your managers and employees regarding the new performance management program and its linkage to the strategic goals of your organization.

  • Revised Component Performance Plans

Organizations with currently approved performance management programs must re-submit their modified descriptions which reflect the requirements stated in the new order. Re-submissions are due to the Director, Human Resources Staff, Justice Management Division (JMD), within 120 days of the official date of the order. The extended period of time will afford you the opportunity to convene work groups and to consult with your unions, if applicable.

Generally, exceptions will not be permitted since the completion of this process is tied to a deadline related to our human capital initiatives. Prior to implementation, those components with bargaining units must satisfy their notice and bargaining requirements under the Federal Service labor management relations statute. Any organization who cannot meet this deadline must request an exception in writing within the next thirty (30) days from the Director, Human Resources Staff, JMD. The request must include an explanation as to why your organization cannot meet the deadline and the date when you will submit the revised program description.

    Performance Appraisal Forms

  • Organizations who are creating or revising the performance appraisal form, please attach a copy of the form to your performance program description when you submit it to us for approval. We will review the form for clarity and consistency.

  • Please be mindful that you must obtain approval from your component forms management officer prior to using a new form. The OBDs must get a clearance from Dan Schneider, JMD Forms Management Officer, Information Management and Security Staff. He can be reached on (202) 514-4318. Form designs must comply with the DOJ Graphic Standards Manual. For graphic layout assistance, contact Teri Wilson or Ralph Jackson of the JMD, FASS, Document Design Unit on (202) 514-4567.

Again, thank you for your collaboration on this mutually beneficial project. If you need technical assistance, please contact Sheila D. Marshall, of the Workforce Effectiveness Group, by electronic mail at or by telephone on (202) 514-1598.


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Page created:  January 6, 2003