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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
Personnel Staff                       

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Washington, D.C. 20530

September 27, 2002


FROM:            Debra M. Tomchek
                         Director, Human Resources

SUBJECT:      Assistance for Federal Employees Affected by Tropical Storm Isidore

This provides the attached memorandum from the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) concerning assistance for Federal employees affected by Tropical Storm Isidore.

In response to the destruction, agencies are requested to grant excused absence without charge to leave or loss of pay to employees who are affected by Tropical Storm Isidore or its aftermath. This policy applies to employees who are prevented from reporting to work or are faced with a personal emergency due to the flooding, and who can be spared from their usual jobs. This policy also applies to employees who are needed for emergency law enforcement, relief, or clean-up efforts authorized by Federal, State, or other officials with jurisdiction. However, excused absence does not apply to Federal employees who are members of the National Guard or Military Reserves called up to assist. Military leave is appropriate for such employees.

OPM also reminds agencies of their authority to waive the bi-weekly limitation on premium pay (5 CFR 550.106) for employees who perform work connected with the disaster or its aftermath. Should the need arise to exercise this authority, please submit a waiver request to the Assistant Attorney General for Administration.

Finally, OPM asks agencies whether there is a need to establish an emergency leave transfer program to assist employees. This program would allow employees in any executive agency to donate unused annual leave for transfer to employees of the same or other agencies, who are adversely affected by the disaster caused by the flooding, and who need additional time off without having to use their own paid leave. If you identify employees who are in need of emergency leave transfer, please advise us as soon as possible, and we will notify OPM.

Questions concerning leave and absence in connection with this matter should be directed to Margaret Foskey, of the Personnel Staff's Policy Group. Questions concerning the premium pay provisions affecting employees engaged in emergency efforts should be directed to John Cahill, of the same staff. Both Ms. Foskey and Mr. Cahill can be reached on (202) 514-6778. Employees who have questions concerning these matters should consult appropriate staff in their servicing human resources offices.


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Page created September 27, 2002