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Department of Justice Seal
U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       


                                                                              Washington, D.C. 20530

June 26, 2001


FROM:             Joanne W. Simms
                         Director, Personnel Staff
                         Justice Management Division

SUBJECT:      2001 Review of Special Salary Rates

The attached Office of Personnel Management (OPM) memorandum and attachments provide instructions for the annual review of special salary rates required by 5 U.S.C. 5305. The review covers each special rate authorization in effect as of September 30, 2001.

The paperwork needed to complete the 2001 review has been simplified. In accordance with OPM's instructions, please submit one OPM Form 1397 (Short Form) to cover all special salary rate authorizations for which you request a percentage increase equal to the General Schedule (GS) increase. Attachment A provides guidelines for the other possible scenarios. Please be sure to include the new Information Technology special salary rates (Tables 999A-F) in your review.

Note: The actual amount of the 2001 GS increase is unknown. The President's budget provides for an overall average increase of 3.6 percent.

Please submit the required forms by September 24, 2001 to:

Paul Krumsiek
Assistant Director for Policy
U.S. Department of Justice
National Place Building, Suite 1110
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530

If members of your staff have any questions about the annual review, they may contact John Cahill, of the Personnel Staff's Policy Group, on (202) 514-6778.

Attachment A--Department Instructions
Attachment B--OPM Memo
Attachment 1--OPM Instructions
Attachment 2--Short Form 1397:  Adobe Acrobat® format    WordPerfect® 6/7/8/9 format
Attachment 2a--Long Form 1397
Attachment 3--Index of Tables by Agency

 Attachment A

Instructions for the 2001 Annual Review

If you recommend that an authorization: You should:
receive the 2001 GS percentage adjustment submit one Short Form 1397 (Attachment 2) that covers all applicable table numbers.
receive a greater percentage adjustment than the GS adjustment submit a Long Form 1397 (Attachment 2a) with staffing data for the period June 4, 2000 through June 2, 2001.   In addition, you should determine whether other bureaus/agencies under the authorization agree with your recommendation, and advise John Cahill of the JMD Personnel Staff as soon as possible so that OPM may determine whether a salary survey is needed.
receive a smaller percentage adjustment than the GS adjustment (including no adjustment) submit a Long Form 1397. For an authorization in which the locality pay rate is greater than the special rate, you may wish to recommend no adjustment so as to phase out the special rate over time.
be terminated (no employees covered by the authorization) explain the request for termination in the cover memo for your annual review submission.
be reduced or terminated (employees are covered by the authorization) advise John Cahill of the JMD Personnel Staff as soon as possible so that additional instructions may be obtained from OPM.

Page updated August 2, 2001