Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youths Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At Risk

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Applicant Information

Title I Part D, Subpart 1 -- State Agency Programs

  • Who is eligible to receive Part D, Subpart 1 funds?

    A State agency (i.e. Department of Corrections, Dept. of Youth Services, etc.) that is responsible for providing free public education for children and youth in N (Neglected) or D (Delinquent) institutions, attending community day programs for N or D children or in adult correctional institutions where the average length of stay is at least 30 days.

  • How does a State agency apply for Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 funds?

    Any State agency that desires to receive funds to carry out a program must submit an application to its State Educational Agency (SEA). Applications are available by contacting the State Title I office. Deadlines for application submission are determined by the SEA.

  • How long can applications be funded?

    If a State agency operates a program in which individual children are likely to participate for more than one year, the SEA may approve the State agency's application for a period of not more than three years.

  • What children and youth are eligible to receive services?

    A child or youth must be 21 years of age or younger, entitled to a free public education not above grade 12, and enrolled in a regular program of instruction for at least 20 hours per week if the program is at an institution or community day program for N or D youth, or 15 hours per week if at an adult correctional institution.

  • Must the State agency provide services for all eligible children in all its eligible institutions?

    Based on its needs assessment, the State agency may, at its discretion, concentrate services on children and institutions with the greatest need for the services. If the State agency receives sufficient Title I, Part D resources, it may serve all the eligible children in all of its eligible institutions.

Title I Part D, Subpart 2 -- Local Agency Programs

  • How are subgrants awarded to LEAs?

    From funds retained by the State for Part D, Subpart 2 purposes, the SEA awards subgrants to eligible LEAs with high numbers or percentages of children and youth residing in locally operated correctional facilities, including institutions and community day programs for delinquent children. The SEA has the option of awarding subgrants to eligible LEAs by formula or through a discretionary grant process.

  • Who is eligible to receive funds set aside for Part D, Subpart 2 purposes?

    The SEA must develop procedures for determining and notifying eligible LEAs within their State that are eligible to receive subpart 2 funds based on high numbers or percentages of children and youth in locally operated correctional facilities and delinquent institutions.

  • How does an LEA apply for funds?

    To receive Part D, Subpart 2 funds, each eligible LEA must apply to the SEA as outlined in Section 1423 of Title I. An LEA application must include a description of the program(s) to be assisted with these funds and describe the formal agreements between itself and the local correctional facilities or institutions for delinquent children and other local programs that serve delinquent or at-risk children and youth. The date for application submission is determined by the SEA.

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Last Modified: 12/10/2004

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