Table 3. Accuracy of Screening Tests for Dementia

Instrument Sensitivity Specificity Positive
predictive value*
predictive value*
MMSE37-44 71% to 92% 56% to 96% 15% to 72% 95% to 99%
FAQ37 90% 90% 50% 99%
BIMC37,38 90% 65% to 90% 22% to 50% 98% to 99%
BOMC37 69% 90% 43% 96%
STMS37 81% 90% 47% 98%

Note: BIMC indicates Blessed Information Memory Concentration; BOMC, Blessed Orientation Memory Concentration; FAQ, Functional Activities Questionnaire; MMSE, Mini-Mental Status Examination; STMS, Short Test of Mental Status.

* Predictive values based on dementia prevalence of 10%.

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