Final Action on Audits with Questioned Costs
for the Period October 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003

  Number of Reports Questioned Costs Classifications Percent
Audit reports with management decisions on which final action had not been taken as of September 30, 2002 216 $110,953,953  
Undocumented/Unapproved Costs   25,600,341 23.1%
Non-compliance with law by grant and contract recipients   50,619,351 45.6%
Supplanting   10,647,063 9.6%
Redeployment   9,870,821 8.9%
Non-compliance with law by DOJ components   898,018 0.8%
Unnecessary or unreasonable expenditures   70,658 0.1%
Other   13,247,701 11.9%
Audit reports on which management decisions were made during the period 37 $8,667,703  
Undocumented/Unapproved Costs   2,614,344 30.2%
Non-compliance with law by grant and contract recipients   5,455,644 62.9%
Supplanting   239,955 2.8%
Redeployment   37,565 0.4%
Non-compliance with law by DOJ components   319,742 3.7%
Unnecessary or unreasonable expenditures   94 0.0%
Other   359 0.0%
Total audit reports pending final action during the period 253 $119,621,656  
Undocumented/Unapproved Costs   28,214,685 23.6%
Non-compliance with law by grant and contract recipients   56,074,995 46.9%
Supplanting   10,887,018 9.1%
Redeployment   9,908,386 8.3%
Non-compliance with law by DOJ components   1,217,760 1.0%
Unnecessary or unreasonable expenditures   70,752 0.0%
Other   13,248,060 11.1%
Final Actions 51 $15,194,180  
Undocumented/Unapproved Costs   452,101
Non-compliance with law by grant and contract recipients   58,928
Supplanting   5,929,305
Redeployment   2,991,905
Non-compliance with law by DOJ components   36,243
Unnecessary or unreasonable expenditures   1,022,200
Other   4,703,498
Audit reports needing final action as of March 31, 2003   $104,427,576

Final Action on Audits
with Recommendations for Management Improvements
for the Period October 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003

  Number of Audit Reports Number of Recommendations
Audit reports with management decisions on which final action had not been taken as of September 30, 2002 421 2,056
Audit reports on which management decisions were made during the period 111 482
Total audit reports pending final action during the period 532 2,538
Final Actions:    
Recommendations implemented 136 389
Recommendations that management concluded should not or could not be implemented or completed 13 17
Total number of actions taken 1361 406
Audit reports needing final action as of March 31, 2003 396 2,146

Status of Audits with Management Decisions Reporting
Recommendations to Put Funds to Better Use
for the Period October 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003

    Dollar Value
  Number of Audit Reports FBU Values Reported by the OIG Management Position on Potential Savings
Open Audit Reports:
Audit reports from previous reporting period for which final action had not been taken as of September 30, 2002 75 $49,670,309 $8,181,267
Audit reports on which management decisions were made on the report and recommendations to put funds to better use during the reporting period 1 66,263 66,263
Audit reports on which management decisions were made during the reporting period but a decision is still pending on the recommendations to put funds to better use 3 1,394,465 -0-
Total Open Audit Reports 79 51,131,037 8,247,530
Closed Audit Reports:
Audit reports on which final action was completed during the reporting period 9   2,410,188
Audit reports that management concluded should/could not be implemented or completed 7   -0-
Total Closed Audit Reports 152   2,410,188
Audit reports for which final action had not been completed as of March 31, 2003 64   $5,837,342


1. This figure reflects the total number of audit reports for which final action was taken during the reporting period. The Department took multiple actions on several audit reports; thus, this total does not represent the sum of the two preceding figures.

2. Several audit reports had more than one recommendation to put funds to better use; therefore, this total does not represent the total of the two preceding figures in this column.