Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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USADF Strategic GOALS & Objectives

Fostering Hope, Growth, and Goodwill In Africa

To end the poverty of a million Africans by investing in their ideas.

To support underserved communities in Africa with resources that help create better economic opportunities for all.

     Former Chairman Ward Brehm discusses USADF Mission with Staff.
                              (right mouse click to PLAY)


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Goal 1: Fund community-based cooperatives, businesses, and social enterprises that create jobs, generate incomes, and improve the lives of the poor.

Objective 1:  Growing Enterprises – Assist African-owned, community-based small and medium size enterprises to expand their operations, revenues, and incomes in ways that benefit poor communities.

Objective 2Enhancing Agriculture – Expand small farmer production of high-value crops, value-added processing of agricultural goods, and access to local and export markets.

Objective 3 Supporting Social Enterprises – Develop sustainable social enterprises that meet critical social and economic needs of marginalized people.

Goal 2:  Expand local institutional and financial capacities that support businesses and social enterprise growth.

Objective 1:  Creating Local Development Trusts – Create local development trusts and generate renewable pools of local capital to fund small business growth and community initiatives.

Objective 2:  Growing African Development Advisory Services – Develop African organizations that provide expertise to support businesses and
community groups in Africa.

Objective 3:  Expanding Strategic Partnerships – Establish strategic partnerships with African governments and institutions, development groups, and the private sector, to fund and replicate ADF programs and approaches.

Objective 4 : Enhancing Learning and Dissemination – Promote and disseminate international and ADF best practices, lessons learned and successful models for African-driven development.

Goal 3:  Broaden USADF's resource base and provide efficient and effective services.

Objective 1: Outreach – Enhance understanding of Africa’s social and economic challenges and build a strong base of support for ADF’s programs
and approaches among the American public, ADF’s clients in Africa,
its strategic partners, and USG officials and the Congress, through
systematic and targeted outreach and communications.

Objective 2: Interagency Collaboration – Establish a new framework for interagency collaboration to better leverage common foreign assistance activities in Africa, reduce overlap, and increase community level impacts and benefits.

Objective 3:  Fundraising - Develop a larger, more diverse funding base to support expanded operations and increase impact.

Objective 4 :  Management systems – Improve management systems to ensure timely planning, effective management, and full accountability of funds.

Objective 5:  Internal operations support – Develop and further utilize the strengths of staff and enhance and streamline support systems and administrative procedures to achieve the best possible level of service to ADF clients.

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