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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


AHRQ names third Child and Adolescent Health Scholar

Carole M. Lannon, M.D., M.P.H., has been appointed as AHRQ's third Child and Adolescent Health Scholar. Dr. Lannon is Director of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Steering Committee on Quality Improvement and Management and co-Director of the North Carolina Center for Children's Healthcare Improvement. She serves as medical editor of AAP's Education for Quality Improvement in Pediatric Practice, a Web-based QI tool that will form the basis for maintenance of certification for pediatricians. She is also the principal investigator on the AHRQ Partnership for Quality Cooperative Agreement to work with local child health networks to improve care for children with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Dr. Lannon has contributed in other AHRQ initiatives involving neonatal jaundice practice improvement, childhood obesity, and developmental and preventive services for children.

Dr. Lannon received a B.A. from Macalester College. She earned her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Minnesota Medical School and her Master's degree from the University of North Carolina, School of Public Health.

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