Selected Volcano Information General Volcanism

Encyclopedia of Volcanoes

Sigurdsson, H., (ed.), 2000, Encyclopedia of Volcanoes: Academic Press, 1417 p.

This collection of  82 summaries of the present state of scientific knowledge about volcanoes was prepared by 112 international experts. The following is from the preface:

The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes is a complete reference guide, providing a comprehensive view of volcanism on the Earth and on the other planets of the Solar System that have exhibited volcanic activity. It is the first attempt to gather in one place such a vast store of knowledge on volcanic phenomena. The volume addresses all aspects of volcanism, ranging from the generation of magma, its transport and migration, eruption, and formation of volcanic deposits. It also addresses volcanic hazards, their mitigation, the monitoring of volcanic activity, and economic aspects and, for the first time, analyzes several specific cultural aspects of volcanic activity, including the impact of volcanic activity on archaeology, literature, art, and film.

See the Academic Press for more information about the Encyclopedia of Volcanoes.