Table 5. Changes in antibiotic use, adverse events, mortality rates, and costs between 1985 and 1994 resulting from computerized antibiotic decision support program, LDS Hospital

Statistic Baseline (year) 1994
Average number of antibiotic doses per patient 19 (1985) 5.3
Patients who received antibiotics within 2 hours prior to surgery 40% (1985) 99.1%
Rate of adverse drug events due to antibiotics 26.9% (1989) 18.8%
Mortality rate from antibiotics 3.65% (1988) 2.65%
Total medication dollars spent on antibiotics 24.8% (1988) 12.9%
Patients receiving antibiotics 31.8% (1988) 53.1%

Source: Pestotnik SL, Classen DC, Evans RS, et al. Implementing antibiotic practice guidelines through computer-assisted decision support: clinical and financial outcomes. Ann Intern Med 1996; 124(10):884-90.

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