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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

AHRQ Quality Indicators 101: What They Are and How To Use Them

This is the text version of a Webinar slide presentation titled AHRQ Quality Indicators 101: What They Are and How To Use Them presented on September 17, 2008.

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AHRQ Quality Indicators 101: What They Are and How To Use Them

  1. AHRQ Quality Indicators 101: What They Are and How To Use Them
  2. Overview
  3. Learning Objectives
  4. Overview
  5. AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs)
  6. Example Indicator Evaluation
  7. Structure of AHRQ QI
  8. Overview
  9. AHRQ Quality Indicators
  10. Overview
  11. Advantages
  12. Advantages (continued)
  13. Advantages (continued)
  14. Current Limitations & Challenges
  15. Overview
  16. Recent Improvements
  17. Overview
  18. Future Vision: Join Forces to Improve Data
  19. Followup: State Pilots to Add Clinical Detail and Robustness
  20. Overview
  21. General Uses of the AHRQ QIs
  22. Covenant Healthcare
  23. System Level Use—Covenant Example
  24. System Level Use—Covenant Example (continued)
  25. 2007 National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports
  26. Medicare Demonstrations
  27. 12 States Use QIs for Public Hospital Reporting
  28. Overview
  29. QI Reporting Template(s)
  30. The Evidence Base
  31. Overview
  32. QIs Submitted to the National Quality Forum (NQF)
  33. NQF Technical Advisory Panels
  34. NQF Specification Changes
  35. NQF Specification Changes (continued)
  36. NQF Specification Changes (continued)
  37. NQF Specification Changes (continued)
  38. Consensus Standards Approval Committee (CSAC) Determination
  39. NQF Endorsed QIs
  40. NQF Endorsed QIs (continued)
  41. Overview
  42. Validation Studies
  43. Validation Pilot, Phase I
  44. Validation Pilot, Phase I (continued)
  45. Validation Pilot, Phase II
  46. Measure Harmonization
  47. AHRQ QI Development
  48. Overview
  49. AHRQ QI Learning Institute
  50. Possible Topics of Monthly Webinars
  51. Applying for Membership
  52. For More Information...

Current as of September 2008

Internet Citation:

AHRQ Quality Indicators 101: What They Are and How To Use Them. Text version of Webinar slide presentation, September 17, 2008. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.



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