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Projects by Region

[Project proposals, Project Summaries, Scopes of Work and Work Plans]

Select one of the regions below:

map of florida showing six regionsFlorida KeysFlorida KeysSW Big CypressSouth East CoastCentral EvergladesFlorida KeysGreater Lake OkeechobeeKissimmee ValleyFlorida KeysSouth East CoastCentral EvergladesSW Big CypressGreater Lake OkeechobeeKissimmee Valley

Kissimmee Valley Kissimmee Valley

CERP/RECOVER restoration technology transfer: USGS-CERP liaison with SFWMD

  • Torres, Arturo
  • Best, G. Ronnie

CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Best, G. Ronnie

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Crayfish

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Landscape/Vegetation

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Snail Kite

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Wading Birds

Analysis of Existing Core in the Floridan Aquifer

  • Renken, Robert

Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Coordination

  • Renken, Robert

Color Infrared Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles for the South Florida Ecosystem

  • Desmond, Greg

Contaminants Synthesis

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Orem, William H.
  • Aiken, George

Evapotranspiration and Rainfall Data for EDEN Gages

  • Holmes, Mike

Geochemical Parameters to Evaluate Aquifer Storage and Recovery Reactions with Native Water and Aquifer Materials

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Groundwater Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Hydrology Monitoring Network: Data Mining and Modeling to Separate Human and Natural Hydrologic Dynamics

  • Conrads, Paul

Interagency Synthesis of Scientific Information, South Florida

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project

  • Wood, Molly

Phase Two Sub-Basin-Scale Monitoring Network for Construction, Instrumentation, and Ten-Year Operation of Seventeen Water Quality and Streamflow Monitoring Stations for Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project

  • Wood, Molly

Scientific and Technical Support for Joint Ecosystem Modeling (JEM)

  • Rice, Kenneth G.

South Florida Information Access

  • Henkel, Heather

Southern Florida National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Surface-Water Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Wading Bird Colony Location, Size, Timing and Wood Stork and Roseate Spoonbill Nesting Success

  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Frederick, Peter
  • Lorenz, Jerome J.

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Greater Lake Okeechobee Greater Lake Okeechobee

CERP/RECOVER restoration technology transfer: USGS-CERP liaison with SFWMD

  • Torres, Arturo
  • Best, G. Ronnie

CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Best, G. Ronnie

A Retrospective and Critical Review of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Sites and Frameworks within the Upper Floridan Aquifer in South Florida

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Crayfish

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Landscape/Vegetation

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Snail Kite

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Wading Birds

An Assessment of Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Mercury Methylation in the South Florida Everglades Ecosystem

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.

Analysis of Existing Core in the Floridan Aquifer

  • Renken, Robert

Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Coordination

  • Renken, Robert

Canal and Wetland Flow/Transport Interaction

  • Schaffranek, Raymond W.

Characterizing Past and Present Mangrove Shorelines to Aid Conservation of the Smalltooth Sawfish, Pristis pectinata, Along the Southwest Coast of Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Tiling, Ginger

Color Infrared Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles for the South Florida Ecosystem

  • Desmond, Greg

Compilation of Alligator Data Sets in South Florida for Restoration Needs

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Contaminants Synthesis

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Orem, William H.
  • Aiken, George

Creation of a Digital Archive of Historical Aerial Photographs for Everglades National Park and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Foster, Ann M.
  • Jones, John W.

Cycling and Speciation of Mercury in the Food Chain of South Florida

  • Kendall, Carol
  • Simon, Nancy

Design of a Real-Time Ground-Water Level Monitoring Network and Portrayal of Hydrologic Data in Southern Florida

  • Prinos, Scott

Determining Target Salinity Values for South Florida's Estuaries: The Combined Effects of Climate, Sea Level, and Water Management Practices

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Ecological Models for Evaluating Effects of Restoration Alternatives on Coastal Ecosystems of Southwest Florida

  • Mazzotti, Frank J.
  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Brandt, Laura A.

Ecosystem History: Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems of Southern Florida

  • Willard, Debra A.

Evapotranspiration and Rainfall Data for EDEN Gages

  • Holmes, Mike

Flow Monitoring Along the Tidal Caloosahatchee River and Tributaries West of Franklin Locks

  • Patino, Eduardo

Geochemical Parameters to Evaluate Aquifer Storage and Recovery Reactions with Native Water and Aquifer Materials

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Geochemical Processes in Organic-Rich Sediments of South Florida-Mercury and Metals

  • Kotra, Rama K.
  • Gough, Larry

Groundwater Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions and Relation to Water Quality in the Everglades

  • Harvey, Judson

High Resolution Bathymetric Mapping

  • Hansen, Mark

Hydrology Monitoring Network: Data Mining and Modeling to Separate Human and Natural Hydrologic Dynamics

  • Conrads, Paul

Integrating EDEN with Real-Time Hydrology and Biological Responses

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Higer, Aaron

Interagency Synthesis of Scientific Information, South Florida

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project

  • Wood, Molly

Monitoring of Wading Bird Reproduction in Water Conservation Areas 1, 2, and 3 of the Everglades, and Study of Survival and Movements of Juvenile Wood Storks

  • Percival, H. Franklin

Phase Two Sub-Basin-Scale Monitoring Network for Construction, Instrumentation, and Ten-Year Operation of Seventeen Water Quality and Streamflow Monitoring Stations for Lake Okeechobee Watershed Project

  • Wood, Molly

Preliminary Characterization of the Microbial Ecology of the Upper Florida Aquifer and Literature Review of the Microbe-Induced Changes in Metal Mobility and Toxicity during Aquifer Storage and Recovery Testing

  • Lisle, John

Quality Assurance Split Sample Analysis and Reporting for the Lake Okeechobee, Western Hillsboro Canal, and Caloosahatchee River Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Projects

  • Meyer, Mike

Salinity and Turbidity Patterns within Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve, Lee County, Florida

  • Byrne, Michael

Scientific and Technical Support for Joint Ecosystem Modeling (JEM)

  • Rice, Kenneth G.

Simulated Effects of ASR Injection in the Floridan Aquifer System Near Lake Okeechobee Florida-A First Approximation

  • Sepulveda, Nick

South Florida Information Access

  • Henkel, Heather

Southern Florida National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Southern Inland and Coastal Systems (SICS) Model Development

  • Swain, Eric

Surface-Water Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Synthesis of South Florida Ecosystem History Research

  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Synthesis of the Regional Hydrostratigraphic Framework for the Floridan Aquifer System, Southern and Central Florida and Relevancy to Aquifer Storage and Recovery

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Technical Assistance for the Ecological Evaluation for the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study

  • DeAngelis, Donald L.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Tides and Inflows in the Mangrove Ecotone (TIME) Model Development (Vegetative Resistance to Flow)

  • Jenter, Harry

Wading Bird Colony Location, Size, Timing and Wood Stork and Roseate Spoonbill Nesting Success

  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Frederick, Peter
  • Lorenz, Jerome J.

Back to the region map

Central Everglades Central Everglades

CERP/RECOVER restoration technology transfer: USGS-CERP liaison with SFWMD

  • Torres, Arturo
  • Best, G. Ronnie

CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Best, G. Ronnie

SICS and TIME Model Linkages and Development in Support of Everglades Restoration

  • Swain, Eric
  • Langevin, Chris

TIME and SICS Modeling of Surface Water and Interactions with Ground Water

  • Swain, Eric
  • Lohmann, Melinda

A GIS-Based Decision-Support Tool to Evaluate Land Management Policies in South Florida

  • Bernknopf, Richard
  • Hearn, Paul
  • Labiosa, William

A Coupled Surface Water and Ground-Water Model to Simulate Past, Present, and Future Hydrologic Conditions in DOI Managed Lands

  • Lohmann, Melinda

A Retrospective and Critical Review of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Sites and Frameworks within the Upper Floridan Aquifer in South Florida

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS)

  • DeAngelis, Donald L.
  • Gaines, Michael S.
  • Gross, Louis J.
  • Hartley, Steve
  • Johnston, James
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.
  • Pearlstine, Leonard
  • Rice, Kenneth G.

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Alligators

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Crayfish

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Landscape/Vegetation

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Snail Kite

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Wading Birds

Alligator Ecology, Modeling, and Monitoring to Complement MAP

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.
  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Slone, Daniel
  • Brandt, Laura A.

American Alligator Distribution, Size, and Hole Occupancy and American Crocodile Juvenile Growth & Survival

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Analysis of Historical Water-Quality Data

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Application of Stable Isotope Techniques to Identifying Foodweb Structure, Contaminant Sources, and Biogeochemical Reactions in the Everglades

  • Kendall, Carol
  • Bemis, Bryan E.
  • Wankel, Scott D.

Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Orem, William H.
  • Aiken, George
  • Kendall, Carol

Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Coordination

  • Renken, Robert

Assessment of Emerging Pollutants of Concern (EPOCs) in Wastewater Influent and Effluent and Receiving Waters of South Florida

  • Lietz, Arthur C.

Bacterial Demethylation of Methylmercury in the South Florida Ecosystem

  • Oremland, Ronald S.
  • Marvin-DiPasquale, Mark

Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Well-Site Data Acquisition

  • Cunningham, Kevin

Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneity Using Cyclostratigraphy and Geophysical Methods in the Upper Part of the Karstic Biscayne Aquifer, Southeastern Florida

  • Cunningham, Kevin

Characterizing Past and Present Mangrove Shorelines to Aid Conservation of the Smalltooth Sawfish, Pristis pectinata, Along the Southwest Coast of Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Tiling, Ginger

Coastal Gradients of Flow, Salinity and Nutrients

  • Woods, Jeff
  • Zucker, Mark

Collection of Information on the Old World Climbing Fern for Use in a Model for Control of this Invading Vine

  • DeAngelis, Donald L.
  • Brandt, Laura A.

Color Infrared Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles for the South Florida Ecosystem

  • Desmond, Greg

Community Dynamics along a Salinity Gradient in Florida Bay

  • Robblee, Mike
  • Matheson, Ed
  • Thayer, Gordon
  • Rozas, Lawrence

Comparison of the South Florida Natural System Model with Pre-Canal Everglades Hydrology Estimated from Historical Sources

  • McVoy, Chris

Compilation of Alligator Data Sets in South Florida for Restoration Needs

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Compilation, Integration, and Synthesis of Water Quality and Flow Data for Assessing Nutrient Flux to South Florida Coastal Ecosystems

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.
  • Torres, Arturo

Contaminants Synthesis

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Orem, William H.
  • Aiken, George

Creation of a Digital Archive of Historical Aerial Photographs for Everglades National Park and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Foster, Ann M.
  • Jones, John W.

Cycling and Speciation of Mercury in the Food Chain of South Florida

  • Kendall, Carol
  • Simon, Nancy

Demographic, Movement, and Habitat of the Endangered Snail Kite

  • Percival, H. Franklin

Design of a Real-Time Ground-Water Level Monitoring Network and Portrayal of Hydrologic Data in Southern Florida

  • Prinos, Scott

Determination of Groundwater-Flow Direction and Rate Beneath Florida Bay, the Florida Keys and Reef Tract

  • Shinn, E. A.
  • Reich, Chris
  • Hickey, Don
  • Tihansky, Ann B.

Determining Target Salinity Values for South Florida's Estuaries: The Combined Effects of Climate, Sea Level, and Water Management Practices

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Development and Stability of Everglades Tree Islands, Ridge and Slough, and Marl Prairies

  • Willard, Debra A.

Development of a Regional Model for Aquifer Storage and Recovery in South Florida

  • Miralles-Wilhelm, Fernando

Development of Integrated Sampling of Fishes in Forested Wetlands in South Florida with Emphasis on Food Web Structure

  • McIvor, Carole C.
  • Loftus, William

Dynamics of Land Margin Ecosystems: Historical Change, Hydrology, Vegetation, Sediment, and Climate

  • Smith III, Thomas J.

Ecological Models for Evaluating Effects of Restoration Alternatives on Coastal Ecosystems of Southwest Florida

  • Mazzotti, Frank J.
  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Brandt, Laura A.

Ecological Risk Assessment of Toxic Substances in the South Florida Ecosystem: Wildlife Effects and Exposure Assessment

  • Gross, Timothy S.

Ecology of the Greater Everglades (Roseate Spoonbill and Limpkins)

  • Lorenz, Jerome J.
  • Bennetts, Robert E.

Ecosystem History of Biscayne Bay and the Southeast Coast

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Ecosystem History of the Southwest Coast-Shark River Slough Outflow Area

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Ecosystem History: Florida Bay and the Southwest Coast

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Ecosystem History: Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems of Southern Florida

  • Willard, Debra A.

Effect of Water Flow on Transport of Solutes, Suspended Particles, and Particle-Associated Nutrients in the Everglades Ridge and Slough Landscape

  • Harvey, Judson
  • Noe, Gregory
  • Schaffranek, Raymond W.

Effect of Wind on Surface Water Flows

  • Jenter, Harry

Effects of hydrological restoration on manatees: Integrating data and models for the Ten Thousand Islands and Everglades

  • Langtimm, Catherine
  • Stith, Brad
  • Swain, Eric
  • Reid, James P.
  • Slone, Daniel

Effects of Water Hardness on Slough-Wet Prairie Plant Communities of the A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge

  • McCormick, Paul
  • Orem, William H.

Empirical Studies in Support of a Pink Shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum, Simulation Model for Florida Bay

  • Robblee, Mike
  • Hittle, Clinton D.

Empirical Studies in Support of Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Ecosystems Restoration

  • Robblee, Mike
  • Hittle, Clinton D.
  • Browder, Joan
  • Criales, Maria
  • Wang, John

Evapotranspiration and Rainfall Data for EDEN Gages

  • Holmes, Mike

Evapotranspiration Measurements and Modeling in the Everglades

  • Kinnaman, Sandra

Experimental Studies of Predator and Prey Interactions

  • Loftus, William
  • Trexler, Joel

Florida Cooperative Geologic Mapping Project

  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Cronin, Thomas M.

Flow Velocity and Water Level Transects

  • Schaffranek, Raymond W.

Freshwater Flows to Northeastern Florida Bay

  • Zucker, Mark
  • Woods, Jeff

Geochemical Monitoring of Restoration Progress

  • Yates, Kimberly K.

Geochemical Processes in Organic-Rich Sediments of South Florida-Mercury and Metals

  • Kotra, Rama K.
  • Gough, Larry

Geochemistry of Wetland Sediments from South Florida

  • Orem, William H.

Geochronology in the South Florida Ecosystem and Associated Ecosystem Programs

  • Holmes, Charles W.

Geology and Ecological History of the 'Buttonwood Ridge' Region

  • Holmes, Charles W.

Geophysical Monitoring of the Southwest Florida Coast

  • Fitterman, David V.
  • Deszcz-Pan, Maria

Ground Water Flow and Transport for the SICS and TIME Models

  • Langevin, Chris
  • Lohmann, Melinda
  • Stewart, Marc

Ground Water-Surface Water Seepage at Select TIME Sites

  • Swarzenski, Peter

Ground-Water Discharge to Biscayne Bay

  • Langevin, Chris

Groundwater Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions and Relation to Water Quality in the Everglades

  • Harvey, Judson

Habitat Associations and Life History Traits of Limpkins in Support of Using Limpkins as an Indicator of Everglades Restoration Success

  • Bennetts, Robert E.
  • Darby, Phil
  • Jansen, Deborah

High Accuracy Elevation Data Collection

  • Desmond, Greg

High-Resolution Bathymetry of Florida Bay

  • Hansen, Mark

Hydrodynamic and Bathymetric Characteristics of South Florida Estuarine and Coastal Systems

  • Hansen, Mark
  • Patino, Eduardo

Hydrogeology of the Surficial Aquifer System in Southwest Florida

  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Weedman, Suzanne D.

Hydrologic Monitoring in Joe Bay

  • Zucker, Mark

Hydrology Monitoring Network: Data Mining and Modeling to Separate Human and Natural Hydrologic Dynamics

  • Conrads, Paul

Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeast Florida

  • Renken, Robert

Impacts of Hydrological Restoration on Three Estuarine Communities of the Southwest Florida Coast and on Associated Animal Inhabitants

  • McIvor, Carole C.

Improving Linkages and Integration Between Management Issues and Science Needs

  • Best, G. Ronnie
  • Brandt, Laura A.

Influence of Hydrology on Life-History Parameters of Common Freshwater Fishes from Southern Florida

  • Loftus, William
  • Nico, Leo
  • Trexler, Joel

Integrating EDEN with Real-Time Hydrology and Biological Responses

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Higer, Aaron

Interactions of Mercury with Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Everglades

  • Aiken, George

Interagency Synthesis of Scientific Information, South Florida

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Interrelation of Everglades Hydrology and Florida Bay Dynamics to Ecosystem Processes and Restoration in South Florida

  • Schaffranek, Raymond W.
  • Smith III, Thomas J.

L-31N Seepage Management Pilot

  • Cunningham, Kevin

Life History, Ecology, and Interactions of Everglades Crayfishes in Response to Hydrological Restoration

  • Loftus, William
  • Armstrong, David
  • Grue, Christian

Linking a Conceptual Karst Hydrogeologic Model of the Biscayne Aquifer to Ground-Water Flow Simulations from Everglades National Park to Biscayne National Park-Phase 1

  • Cunningham, Kevin

Linking Land, Air and Water Management in the Southern Everglades and Coastal Zone to Water Quality and Ecosystem Restoration

  • Orem, William H.
  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Aiken, George

Linking Land, Air and Water Management in the Southern Everglades and Coastal Zone to Water Quality and Ecosystem Restoration: Task 1, Mercury Cycling, Fate and Bioaccumulation

  • Orem, William H.
  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Aiken, George

Long-Term Aquatic Biota Database Analysis

  • Perry, Sue

Mercury Transfer Through an Everglades Aquatic Food Web

  • Loftus, William
  • Trexler, Joel
  • Jones, Ronald

Monitoring of Wading Bird Reproduction in Water Conservation Areas 1, 2, and 3 of the Everglades, and Study of Survival and Movements of Juvenile Wood Storks

  • Percival, H. Franklin

Monitoring Sub-Aquatic Vegetation through Remote Sensing: A Pilot Study in Florida Bay

  • Wingard, G. Lynn
  • Chirico, Peter
  • Handley, Lawrence

Paleosalinity as a Key for Success Criteria in South Florida Restoration

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Population Structure and Spatial Delineation of Consumer Communities in the Everglades National Park

  • Loftus, William
  • Trexler, Joel

Predicting Effects of Hydrologic Restoration on Manatees along the Southwest Coast of Florida

  • Reid, James P.

Preliminary Characterization of the Microbial Ecology of the Upper Florida Aquifer and Literature Review of the Microbe-Induced Changes in Metal Mobility and Toxicity during Aquifer Storage and Recovery Testing

  • Lisle, John

Quantitative Sampling of Freshwater Fish Species within the Big Cypress National Preserve: A Long-Term Research Program to Evaluate the Ecological Effects of CERP

  • Loftus, William
  • Lorenz, Jerome J.

Role of Marsh-Mangrove Interface Habitats as Aquatic Refuges for Wetland Fishes and Other Aquatic Animals

  • Loftus, William
  • Rehage, Jennifer S.

Scientific and Technical Support for Joint Ecosystem Modeling (JEM)

  • Rice, Kenneth G.

Sediment Properties and Transport Processes in Florida Bay

  • Halley, Robert B.

Sedimentation, Sea-Level Rise and Circulation in Florida Bay

  • Halley, Robert B.
  • Rudnick, Dave

South Florida Ecosystem History

  • Wingard, G. Lynn
  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Holmes, Charles W.
  • Cronin, Thomas M.
  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Ishman, Scott E.
  • Huvane, Jacqueline

South Florida Information Access

  • Henkel, Heather

South Florida Landscape Dynamics

  • Jones, John W.

South Florida Seagrass Fish and Invertebrate Assessment Network

  • Robblee, Mike

Southern Florida National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Southern Inland and Coastal Systems (SICS) Model Development

  • Swain, Eric

Southwest Florida Coastal and Wetland Systems Monitoring

  • Patino, Eduardo

Spatial and Age-Structured Population Model of the American Crocodile for Comparisons of CERP Restoration Alternatives

  • Slone, Daniel
  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Spatial and temporal patterns and ecological effects of canal-water intrusion into the A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge

  • McCormick, Paul
  • Orem, William H.

Surface-Water Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Synthesis by the Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.

Synthesis of Sediment Production, Transport, and Accumulation

  • Halley, Robert B.
  • Rudnick, Dave

Synthesis of South Florida Ecosystem History Research

  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Synthesis of the Regional Hydrostratigraphic Framework for the Floridan Aquifer System, Southern and Central Florida and Relevancy to Aquifer Storage and Recovery

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Technical Assistance for the Ecological Evaluation for the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study

  • DeAngelis, Donald L.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Temporal and Spatial Variation in Seagrass Associated Fish and Invertebrates in Western Florida Bay

  • Robblee, Mike

The Role of Aquatic Refuges in the Wetland Complex of Southern Florida in Relation to System Restoration

  • Loftus, William

Tides and Inflows in the Mangrove Ecotone (TIME) Model Development

  • Schaffranek, Raymond W.
  • Riscassi, Ami L.
  • Jenter, Harry
  • Kotun, Kevin
  • Desmond, Greg
  • Fitterman, David V.
  • German, E. R.
  • Harvey, Judson
  • Hittle, Clinton D.
  • Jones, John W.
  • Langevin, Chris
  • Levesque, Victor
  • McIvor, Carole C.
  • Patino, Eduardo
  • Saiers, James E.
  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Swain, Eric

Tides and Inflows in the Mangrove Ecotone (TIME) Model Development (Vegetative Resistance to Flow)

  • Jenter, Harry

Tracing the Mixing of Groundwater into Coastal Waters Utilizing a New Radiometric Technique: Radium Isotope Systematics to Look at the Geologic Control of Aquifers

  • Swarzenski, Peter

Understanding and Predicting Global Climate Change Impacts on the Vegetation and Fauna of Mangrove Forested Wetlands in Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • McIvor, Carole C.

Vegetation Dynamics in Land-Margin Ecosystems: The Mangroves of South Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.

Wading Bird Colony Location, Size, Timing and Wood Stork and Roseate Spoonbill Nesting Success

  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Frederick, Peter
  • Lorenz, Jerome J.

Water Conservation Area 2 Elevation Data

  • Desmond, Greg

Water Flows and Nutrient Fluxes to the Southwest Coast of Everglades National Park, Florida

  • Levesque, Victor

Back to the region map

South East Coast South East Coast

CERP/RECOVER restoration technology transfer: USGS-CERP liaison with SFWMD

  • Torres, Arturo
  • Best, G. Ronnie

CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Best, G. Ronnie

A GIS-Based Decision-Support Tool to Evaluate Land Management Policies in South Florida

  • Bernknopf, Richard
  • Hearn, Paul
  • Labiosa, William

A Coupled Surface Water and Ground-Water Model to Simulate Past, Present, and Future Hydrologic Conditions in DOI Managed Lands

  • Lohmann, Melinda

A Retrospective and Critical Review of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Sites and Frameworks within the Upper Floridan Aquifer in South Florida

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Alligators

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Crayfish

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Landscape/Vegetation

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Snail Kite

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Wading Birds

Alligator Ecology, Modeling, and Monitoring to Complement MAP

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.
  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Slone, Daniel
  • Brandt, Laura A.

American Alligator Distribution, Size, and Hole Occupancy and American Crocodile Juvenile Growth & Survival

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

An Assessment of Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Mercury Methylation in the South Florida Everglades Ecosystem

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.

Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Coordination

  • Renken, Robert

Assessment of Emerging Pollutants of Concern (EPOCs) in Wastewater Influent and Effluent and Receiving Waters of South Florida

  • Lietz, Arthur C.

Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Well-Site Data Acquisition

  • Cunningham, Kevin

Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneity Using Cyclostratigraphy and Geophysical Methods in the Upper Part of the Karstic Biscayne Aquifer, Southeastern Florida

  • Cunningham, Kevin

Color Infrared Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles for the South Florida Ecosystem

  • Desmond, Greg

Contaminants Synthesis

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Orem, William H.
  • Aiken, George

Creation of a Digital Archive of Historical Aerial Photographs for Everglades National Park and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Foster, Ann M.
  • Jones, John W.

Cycling and Speciation of Mercury in the Food Chain of South Florida

  • Kendall, Carol
  • Simon, Nancy

Design of a Real-Time Ground-Water Level Monitoring Network and Portrayal of Hydrologic Data in Southern Florida

  • Prinos, Scott

Determination of Nutrient Loads to East Coast Canals

  • Lietz, Arthur C.

Development of a Regional Model for Aquifer Storage and Recovery in South Florida

  • Miralles-Wilhelm, Fernando

Dynamics of Land Margin Ecosystems: Historical Change, Hydrology, Vegetation, Sediment, and Climate

  • Smith III, Thomas J.

Ecological Risk Assessment of Toxic Substances in the South Florida Ecosystem: Wildlife Effects and Exposure Assessment

  • Gross, Timothy S.

Ecosystem History of Biscayne Bay and the Southeast Coast

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Empirical Studies in Support of Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Ecosystems Restoration

  • Robblee, Mike
  • Hittle, Clinton D.
  • Browder, Joan
  • Criales, Maria
  • Wang, John

Evaluation of Methods to Determine Groundwater Seepage Beneath Levee 30, Miami-Dade County, Florida

  • Sonenshein, Roy

Evapotranspiration and Rainfall Data for EDEN Gages

  • Holmes, Mike

Experimental Studies of Predator and Prey Interactions

  • Loftus, William
  • Trexler, Joel

Florida Cooperative Geologic Mapping Project

  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Cronin, Thomas M.

Freshwater Flows to the East Coast

  • Swain, Eric

Ground Water Characterization in Marine Areas of Biscayne National Park

  • Halley, Robert B.

Ground-Water Discharge to Biscayne Bay

  • Langevin, Chris

Groundwater Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Habitat Associations and Life History Traits of Limpkins in Support of Using Limpkins as an Indicator of Everglades Restoration Success

  • Bennetts, Robert E.
  • Darby, Phil
  • Jansen, Deborah

Historical Changes in Salinity, Water Quality, and Vegetation in Biscayne Bay

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Hydrologic Variation and Ecological Processes in the Mangrove Forests of South Florida: Response to Restoration

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Saiers, James E.

Hydrology Monitoring Network: Data Mining and Modeling to Separate Human and Natural Hydrologic Dynamics

  • Conrads, Paul

Interagency Synthesis of Scientific Information, South Florida

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Life History, Ecology, and Interactions of Everglades Crayfishes in Response to Hydrological Restoration

  • Loftus, William
  • Armstrong, David
  • Grue, Christian

Linking a Conceptual Karst Hydrogeologic Model of the Biscayne Aquifer to Ground-Water Flow Simulations from Everglades National Park to Biscayne National Park-Phase 1

  • Cunningham, Kevin

Long-Term Aquatic Biota Database Analysis

  • Perry, Sue

Monitoring of Wading Bird Reproduction in Water Conservation Areas 1, 2, and 3 of the Everglades, and Study of Survival and Movements of Juvenile Wood Storks

  • Percival, H. Franklin

Preliminary Characterization of the Microbial Ecology of the Upper Florida Aquifer and Literature Review of the Microbe-Induced Changes in Metal Mobility and Toxicity during Aquifer Storage and Recovery Testing

  • Lisle, John

Quantification of Ground-Water Seepage Beneath Levee 31N, Miami-Dade County, Florida

  • Solo-Gabriele, Helena

Scientific and Technical Support for Joint Ecosystem Modeling (JEM)

  • Rice, Kenneth G.

South Florida Ecosystem History

  • Wingard, G. Lynn
  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Holmes, Charles W.
  • Cronin, Thomas M.
  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Ishman, Scott E.
  • Huvane, Jacqueline

South Florida Information Access

  • Henkel, Heather

South Florida Seagrass Fish and Invertebrate Assessment Network

  • Robblee, Mike

Southern Florida National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Surface-Water Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Synthesis of South Florida Ecosystem History Research

  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Synthesis of the Regional Hydrostratigraphic Framework for the Floridan Aquifer System, Southern and Central Florida and Relevancy to Aquifer Storage and Recovery

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Technical Assistance for the Ecological Evaluation for the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study

  • DeAngelis, Donald L.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

The Role of Aquatic Refuges in the Wetland Complex of Southern Florida in Relation to System Restoration

  • Loftus, William

Understanding and Predicting Global Climate Change Impacts on the Vegetation and Fauna of Mangrove Forested Wetlands in Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • McIvor, Carole C.

Vegetation Dynamics in Land-Margin Ecosystems: The Mangroves of South Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.

Wading Bird Colony Location, Size, Timing and Wood Stork and Roseate Spoonbill Nesting Success

  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Frederick, Peter
  • Lorenz, Jerome J.

Back to the region map

SW Big Cypress SW Big Cypress

CERP/RECOVER restoration technology transfer: USGS-CERP liaison with SFWMD

  • Torres, Arturo
  • Best, G. Ronnie

CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Best, G. Ronnie

SICS and TIME Model Linkages and Development in Support of Everglades Restoration

  • Swain, Eric
  • Langevin, Chris

TIME and SICS Modeling of Surface Water and Interactions with Ground Water

  • Swain, Eric
  • Lohmann, Melinda

A Retrospective and Critical Review of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Sites and Frameworks within the Upper Floridan Aquifer in South Florida

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Alligators

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Crayfish

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Landscape/Vegetation

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Snail Kite

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Wading Birds

Alligator Ecology, Modeling, and Monitoring to Complement MAP

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.
  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Slone, Daniel
  • Brandt, Laura A.

American Alligator Distribution, Size, and Hole Occupancy and American Crocodile Juvenile Growth & Survival

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Analysis of Existing Core in the Floridan Aquifer

  • Renken, Robert

Baseline Hydrologic Data Collection along the I-75/State Road 29 Corridor in the Big Cypress National Preserve

  • Hittle, Elizabeth
  • Solis, Rick

Characterizing Past and Present Mangrove Shorelines to Aid Conservation of the Smalltooth Sawfish, Pristis pectinata, Along the Southwest Coast of Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Tiling, Ginger

Coastal Gradients of Flow, Salinity and Nutrients

  • Woods, Jeff
  • Zucker, Mark

Color Infrared Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles for the South Florida Ecosystem

  • Desmond, Greg

Compilation of Alligator Data Sets in South Florida for Restoration Needs

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Compilation, Integration, and Synthesis of Water Quality and Flow Data for Assessing Nutrient Flux to South Florida Coastal Ecosystems

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.
  • Torres, Arturo

Contaminants Synthesis

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Orem, William H.
  • Aiken, George

Creation of a Digital Archive of Historical Aerial Photographs for Everglades National Park and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Foster, Ann M.
  • Jones, John W.

Design of a Real-Time Ground-Water Level Monitoring Network and Portrayal of Hydrologic Data in Southern Florida

  • Prinos, Scott

Determining Target Salinity Values for South Florida's Estuaries: The Combined Effects of Climate, Sea Level, and Water Management Practices

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Development of Integrated Sampling of Fishes in Forested Wetlands in South Florida with Emphasis on Food Web Structure

  • McIvor, Carole C.
  • Loftus, William

Dynamics of Land Margin Ecosystems: Historical Change, Hydrology, Vegetation, Sediment, and Climate

  • Smith III, Thomas J.

Ecological Models for Evaluating Effects of Restoration Alternatives on Coastal Ecosystems of Southwest Florida

  • Mazzotti, Frank J.
  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Brandt, Laura A.

Ecological Risk Assessment of Toxic Substances in the South Florida Ecosystem: Wildlife Effects and Exposure Assessment

  • Gross, Timothy S.

Ecosystem History: Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems of Southern Florida

  • Willard, Debra A.

Effects of hydrological restoration on manatees: Integrating data and models for the Ten Thousand Islands and Everglades

  • Langtimm, Catherine
  • Stith, Brad
  • Swain, Eric
  • Reid, James P.
  • Slone, Daniel

Empirical Studies in Support of Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Ecosystems Restoration

  • Robblee, Mike
  • Hittle, Clinton D.
  • Browder, Joan
  • Criales, Maria
  • Wang, John

Evapotranspiration and Rainfall Data for EDEN Gages

  • Holmes, Mike

Fire Ecology of South Florida Wetlands

  • Snyder, James R.

Geochronology in the South Florida Ecosystem and Associated Ecosystem Programs

  • Holmes, Charles W.

Ground Water Flow and Transport for the SICS and TIME Models

  • Langevin, Chris
  • Lohmann, Melinda
  • Stewart, Marc

Ground Water-Surface Water Seepage at Select TIME Sites

  • Swarzenski, Peter

Groundwater Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Habitat Associations and Life History Traits of Limpkins in Support of Using Limpkins as an Indicator of Everglades Restoration Success

  • Bennetts, Robert E.
  • Darby, Phil
  • Jansen, Deborah

Hydrodynamic and Salinity Characteristics of Rivers and Estuaries of the Ten Thousand Islands

  • Patino, Eduardo
  • Soderqvist, Lars

Hydrogeology of the Surficial Aquifer System in Southwest Florida

  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Weedman, Suzanne D.

Hydrologic Monitoring and Synthesis of Existing Hydrologic Data in the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge and Surrounding Areas

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Hydrologic Variation and Ecological Processes in the Mangrove Forests of South Florida: Response to Restoration

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Saiers, James E.

Hydrology Monitoring Network: Data Mining and Modeling to Separate Human and Natural Hydrologic Dynamics

  • Conrads, Paul

Impacts of Hydrological Restoration on Three Estuarine Communities of the Southwest Florida Coast and on Associated Animal Inhabitants

  • McIvor, Carole C.

Influence of Hydrology on Life-History Parameters of Common Freshwater Fishes from Southern Florida

  • Loftus, William
  • Nico, Leo
  • Trexler, Joel

Integrating EDEN with Real-Time Hydrology and Biological Responses

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Higer, Aaron

Interagency Synthesis of Scientific Information, South Florida

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Internal Surface-Water Flows

  • Solis, Rick

Linking a Conceptual Karst Hydrogeologic Model of the Biscayne Aquifer to Ground-Water Flow Simulations from Everglades National Park to Biscayne National Park-Phase 1

  • Cunningham, Kevin

Modeling Hydrologic Flow and Vegetation Response across the Tamiami Trail and Coastal Watershed of Ten Thousand Islands NWR

  • Doyle, Thomas W.
  • Krauss, Ken W.

Predicting Effects of Hydrologic Restoration on Manatees along the Southwest Coast of Florida

  • Reid, James P.

Preliminary Characterization of the Microbial Ecology of the Upper Florida Aquifer and Literature Review of the Microbe-Induced Changes in Metal Mobility and Toxicity during Aquifer Storage and Recovery Testing

  • Lisle, John

Quantitative Sampling of Freshwater Fish Species within the Big Cypress National Preserve: A Long-Term Research Program to Evaluate the Ecological Effects of CERP

  • Loftus, William
  • Lorenz, Jerome J.

Scientific and Technical Support for Joint Ecosystem Modeling (JEM)

  • Rice, Kenneth G.

South Florida Ecosystem History

  • Wingard, G. Lynn
  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Holmes, Charles W.
  • Cronin, Thomas M.
  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Ishman, Scott E.
  • Huvane, Jacqueline

South Florida Information Access

  • Henkel, Heather

Southern Florida National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Southern Inland and Coastal Systems (SICS) Model Development

  • Swain, Eric

Southwest Florida Coastal and Wetland Systems Monitoring

  • Patino, Eduardo

Surface-Water Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Synthesis of South Florida Ecosystem History Research

  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Synthesis of the Regional Hydrostratigraphic Framework for the Floridan Aquifer System, Southern and Central Florida and Relevancy to Aquifer Storage and Recovery

  • Reese, Ronald S.

Technical Assistance for the Ecological Evaluation for the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study

  • DeAngelis, Donald L.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Understanding and Predicting Global Climate Change Impacts on the Vegetation and Fauna of Mangrove Forested Wetlands in Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • McIvor, Carole C.

Use of Amphibian Communities as Indicators of Restoration Success

  • Rice, Kenneth G.
  • Mazzotti, Frank J.

Vegetation Dynamics in Land-Margin Ecosystems: The Mangroves of South Florida

  • Smith III, Thomas J.

Wading Bird Colony Location, Size, Timing and Wood Stork and Roseate Spoonbill Nesting Success

  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Frederick, Peter
  • Lorenz, Jerome J.

Western Tamiami Trail Flows-Baseline Information and Response to CERP

  • Patino, Eduardo
  • Soderqvist, Lars

Back to the region map

Florida Keys Florida Keys

CERP/RECOVER restoration technology transfer: USGS-CERP liaison with SFWMD

  • Torres, Arturo
  • Best, G. Ronnie

CERP/RECOVER Restoration Technology Transfer: USGS-CERP Liaison with USACE

  • Telis, Pamela
  • Best, G. Ronnie

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Crayfish

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Landscape/Vegetation

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Snail Kite

Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) - Wading Birds

Canal and Wetland Flow/Transport Interaction

  • Schaffranek, Raymond W.

Chronology and Isotope Geochemistry of Ground Waters in the Florida Keys and Offshore Areas

  • Bohlke, J. K.

Color Infrared Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles for the South Florida Ecosystem

  • Desmond, Greg

Contaminants Synthesis

  • Krabbenhoft, David P.
  • Orem, William H.
  • Aiken, George

Cycling and Speciation of Mercury in the Food Chain of South Florida

  • Kendall, Carol
  • Simon, Nancy

Design of a Real-Time Ground-Water Level Monitoring Network and Portrayal of Hydrologic Data in Southern Florida

  • Prinos, Scott

Ecosystem History of Biscayne Bay and the Southeast Coast

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Ecosystem History: Florida Bay and the Southwest Coast

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Empirical Studies in Support of a Pink Shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum, Simulation Model for Florida Bay

  • Robblee, Mike
  • Hittle, Clinton D.

Evapotranspiration and Rainfall Data for EDEN Gages

  • Holmes, Mike

Florida Cooperative Geologic Mapping Project

  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Cronin, Thomas M.

Ground Water Characterization in Marine Areas of Biscayne National Park

  • Halley, Robert B.

Groundwater Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Groundwater Seepage in the Florida Keys

  • Shinn, E. A.

Historical Changes in Salinity, Water Quality, and Vegetation in Biscayne Bay

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Hydrology Monitoring Network: Data Mining and Modeling to Separate Human and Natural Hydrologic Dynamics

  • Conrads, Paul

Interagency Synthesis of Scientific Information, South Florida

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Monitoring Sub-Aquatic Vegetation through Remote Sensing: A Pilot Study in Florida Bay

  • Wingard, G. Lynn
  • Chirico, Peter
  • Handley, Lawrence

Paleosalinity as a Key for Success Criteria in South Florida Restoration

  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Relationships Between Inshore Nursery Habitats of the Pink Shrimp, Penaeus duorarum, and the Offshore Tortugas and Sanibel Fisheries

  • Robblee, Mike

Remote Sensing of Water Turbidity and Sedimentation in Florida Bay and Biscayne Bay

  • Wertz, Rob

Salinity Patterns in Florida Bay: A Synthesis

  • Robblee, Mike

Scientific and Technical Support for Joint Ecosystem Modeling (JEM)

  • Rice, Kenneth G.

South Florida Ecosystem History

  • Wingard, G. Lynn
  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Holmes, Charles W.
  • Cronin, Thomas M.
  • Wardlaw, Bruce R.
  • Ishman, Scott E.
  • Huvane, Jacqueline

South Florida Information Access

  • Henkel, Heather

Southern Florida National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program

  • McPherson, Benjamin F.

Southern Inland and Coastal Systems (SICS) Model Development

  • Swain, Eric

Surface-Water Cooperative Data Program

  • Murray, Mitch

Synthesis of South Florida Ecosystem History Research

  • Willard, Debra A.
  • Wingard, G. Lynn

Tides and Inflows in the Mangrove Ecotone (TIME) Model Development

  • Schaffranek, Raymond W.
  • Riscassi, Ami L.
  • Jenter, Harry
  • Kotun, Kevin
  • Desmond, Greg
  • Fitterman, David V.
  • German, E. R.
  • Harvey, Judson
  • Hittle, Clinton D.
  • Jones, John W.
  • Langevin, Chris
  • Levesque, Victor
  • McIvor, Carole C.
  • Patino, Eduardo
  • Saiers, James E.
  • Smith III, Thomas J.
  • Swain, Eric

Wading Bird Colony Location, Size, Timing and Wood Stork and Roseate Spoonbill Nesting Success

  • Percival, H. Franklin
  • Frederick, Peter
  • Lorenz, Jerome J.

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Last updated: 16 September 2008 @ 03:43 PM (BJM)