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Mineral Resources Program

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The U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program Five-Year Plan, 2006-2010

Budget and performance integration

The section describing the five-year goals for MRP contains funding information for each goal, based on the assumption of flat funding to MRP over the life of this plan. The distribution of funds allocated reflects programmatic priorities, expected availability of staff, and estimates of investments required to achieve the identified five-year goals. The following table summarizes anticipated funds outlays for the life of this plan. It demonstrates USGS' intention to maintain emphasis on (and funding for) assessing potential for undiscovered mineral deposits, to decrease emphasis on geoenvironmental assessments, to increase emphasis on providing essential baseline data for the United States, and to maintain level funding for required scientific facilities and for long-term databases on mineral production and consumption. Annual targets for the performance measures to which MRP reports (see section above) will reflect these adjustments in funding.

Anticipated funding level ($1,000s)
FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010
Long-term goal 1: Ensure availability of up-to-date quantitative assessments of potential for undiscovered mineral deposits 12,100 12,300 12,100 12,000 11,700
Long-term goal 2: Ensure availability of up-to-date geoenvironmental assessments of priority Federal lands 4,750 4,300 4,100 3,900 3,700
Long-term goal 3: Ensure availability of reliable geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and mineral locality data for the United States 9,400 9,650 10,050 10,350 10,850
Continuing goal: Ensure availability of scientific facilities and services required to achieve MRP goals 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
Long-term goal 4: Ensure availability of long-term data sets describing mineral production and consumption 13,600 13,600 13,600 13,600 13,600
Fixed costs 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700
Total 52,550 52,550 52,550 52,550 52,550

This budget scenario provides no funds for increased costs associated with salary and facility cost increases. For this reason, each year at this funding level will require a decrease in productivity; these decreases will be cumulative and by 2010 will result in fewer staff and fewer products delivered.

In addition to reporting on performance, MRP uses the system developed by DOI's National Business Center to capture cost data and relate those costs to the DOI Strategic Plan (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2003). The Activity Based Cost/Management (ABC/M) system is a management tool that provides information about the cost of doing work and how work aligns with the Department's strategic objectives (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2005). ABC/M provides information on: unit cost of production of all DOI work activities, cost of executing goals and strategies in DOI's strategic plan, performance against targets, minimum efficient workload, predicting costs for changing workloads, and organizations where cost efficiency needs to be improved.

MRP-funded project work is coded to USGS-specific work activities, through which project work is tied to the Department's strategic plan. Beginning in FY 2006, codes will be assigned to individual tasks within projects, to provide more specific reporting of the types of work undertaken, their costs, and their association with MRP performance measures and DOI strategic goals. The table below demonstrates the connections between work activities (as codified in the ABC code definitions), outputs (the things that are measured in the performance measures described in the section above), and funding. The funds data shown are for FY 2005, the second year for which data are available. We expect to see significant changes in FY 2006 because of the shift to task-level coding. Coding at the project level, as was required in FY 2004 and FY 2005, makes it impossible to separate research from the mineral resource and mineral environmental assessments that are the reason for the research. Similarly with project level coding it is not possible to identify technical assistance that is provided in the course of conducting assessments to aid in specific land planning processes.

Department of the Interior Mission Area: Resource Use
Strategic Goal: Manage resources to promote responsible use and sustain a dynamic economy
End Outcome Goal: Manage or influence resource use to enhance public benefit, promote responsible use, and ensure optimal value—Non-energy minerals
Strategy 4: Improve information base, information management, and technical assistance
Work Activity Code Output Percent of total funds (FY 2005)
Collect data to inform decisions on mineral resources F7 # of gigabytes (annually) 9.1
Conduct assessments to inform decisions on mineral resources N0 Analyses and investigations delivered 12.3
Conduct research to inform decisions on mineral resources N1 Analyses and investigations delivered 56.1
Manage and distribute data to inform decisions on mineral resources U8 # of cumulative gigabytes accessible (prior years + current) 9.3
Plan/evaluate programs to inform decisions on mineral resources 19 Plans, evaluations, reports 1.4
Provide technical assistance to inform decisions on mineral resources Y6 Technical assistance instance, issue, or event 0.9
Manage non-energy mineral programs 44 (indirect work activity, not associated with an output) 10.9

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