U.S. Geological Survey

Descriptions of mineral occurrences and interpretation of mineralized rock geochemical data in the Stikine geophysical survey area, southeastern Alaska

By Cliff D. Taylor

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-154

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Version 1.0

This report presents descriptions of twenty-five mineral occurrences and preliminary interpretations of their associated anomalous metal geochemical signatures. The descriptions consist of four sections detailing the location, host rocks, morphology and mineralogy, and geochemistry of each occurrence. The first three sections of each description are based on the author’s observations at the occurrences during fieldwork in May 1998 and, for a subset of the occurrences, during the summers of 1992 and 1993.

The text of this report is presented here in Portable Document Format. The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software is required to view it. If you wish to download the latest version of Acrobat Reader free of charge, click here .
OFR-03-154 PDF file (7.85 MB)
(This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508.)
98DZrocks XLS file (486 KB) This excel file contains three tables of multi-element geochemical data obtained for rock samples collected in the Stikine geophysical survey project area. The first table consists of analytical data for unmineralized igneous rocks, the second, data for unmineralized shales, and the third, for mineralized rocks collected at the mineral occurrences discussed in the report.

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