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Geochemical data for stream sediment and surface water samples from Panther Creek, the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, and the Main Salmon River, collected before and after the Clear Creek, Little Pistol, and Shellrock wildfires of 2000 in central Idaho

By Robert G. Eppinger1, Paul H. Briggs1, Betsy Rieffenberger2, Carol Van Dorn3, Zoe Ann Brown1, James G. Crock1, Philip H. Hageman1, Allen Meier1, Stephen J. Sutley1, Peter M. Theodorakos1, and Stephen A. Wilson1

1 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado
2 U.S. Forest Service, Salmon-Challis National Forest, Salmon, Idaho
3 U.S. Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Open-File Report 2003-152

This report supercedes OFR-01-161

Version 1.0

Published 2003
In 1996, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a reconnaissance baseline geochemical study in central Idaho. The purpose of the baseline study was to establish a "geochemical snapshot" of the area, as a datum for monitoring future change in the geochemical landscape, whether natural or human-induced. In the summer of 2000, there were numerous large wildfires in central Idaho. In particular, the Clear Creek (206,000 acres; 83,370 hectares), Little Pistol (74,000 acres; 29,950 hectares), and Shellrock (64,000 acres; 25,900 hectares) fires swept across much of the area that was sampled. In 2001, ten months after the wildfires, the entire area was resampled by occupying and recollecting at the same sample sites initially sampled in 1996. This work was done and the request of the U.S. Forest Service, Salmon-Challis National Forest. This report presents the methodology, analytical results, and sample descriptions for water, sediment, and heavy-mineral concentrate samples collected in the 1996 pre-wildfire and 2001 post-wildfire sampling periods. Also presented are digital images of the 2001 post-wildfire sample sites.

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(This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508.)

Contents of This Report--

There are 4 directories (folders) containing data associated with the report OFR-03-152.PDF.
The directories and their contents are:


Contents: location figures referred to in OFR 03-152.PDF file, all in .PDF format
Files: FIGURE1.PDF general location figure of study area
FIGURE2.PDF more detailed location figure with sample sites


Contents: analytical data as integrated Microsoft Access 2000 database


Contents: analytical data as individual Microsoft Excel files (version 3.0)
Files: SAMPLOG.XLS Listing of all sample sites and media collected at each site
SITEINFO.XLS Information related to the sample site
WATSITEI.XLS Information related to water sample sites
WATANI.XLS Anion analyses, filtered/unacidified water samples
WATCATFA.XLS Cation analyses, filtered/acidified water samples
WATCATRA.XLS Cation analyses, raw unfiltered/acidified water samples
WATHG.XLS Mercury analyses, filtered/preserved water samples
WATFE2+.XLS Fe2+ analyses, filtered/acidified water samples
WATALK,XLS alkalinity analyses, unfiltered/unacidified water samples
HMCONC.XLS Heavy-mineral concentrate descriptive and analytical data
SEDIMENT.XLS Sediment descriptive and analytical data
WILDFIRE.XLS Wildfire information and sorting codes


Contents: digital images of the 2001 sample sites as .PDF files
Files: Filenames are the same as the sample site ID numbers with .PDF extensions. logo  Take Pride in America button