U.S. Geological Survey

Lithology and Aggregate Quality Attributes for the Digital Geologic Map of Colorado

By Daniel H. Knepper, Jr., Gregory N. Green, and William H. Langer

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-0029

Version 1.0

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Report Metadata TEXT file (12 KB)

Report PDF file (142 KB)
Report Microsoft Word file (86 KB)
Report WordPerfect file (75 KB)

Files for download:
Value subdirectory
Contains value-added lithology and aggregate quality attribute file and an ARC/INFO AML that can load and join the file to an existing ARC database.

Joined subdirectory
Contains a vesion of the Digital Geologic Map of Colorado with the lithology and aggregate quality attributes. [For those sites without a full version of ARC/INFO.]

Colorado subdirectory
Contains an unattributed original version of Digital Geologic Map of Colorado (USGS OFR-92-0507).

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