U.S. Geological Survey

Remote Sensing and Airborne Geophysics in the
Assessment of Natural Aggregate Resources

By D.H. Knepper, W.H. Langer, and S.H. Miller

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-0158

This publication describes the methodology for assessment of natural
aggregate resources using remote sensing and airborne geophysics.
Natural aggregate derived from crushed stone and deposits of sand and gravel
is a vital commodity of the construction industry, and its potential source
distribution is needed for land-use decisions. This report describes the
types of natural aggregate deposits and their distribution in the United States.
It focuses on the aspects of the deposits that are most amenable to remote
sensing and airborne geophysical exploration techniques and identifies the
physical rock properties and characteristics of the deposit essential to
resource assessment.

Originally published in 1994, this report is presented here in
Portable Document Format. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0™ is
required to view it. If you already have Acrobat Reader 3.0
installed on your computer, click here to access the text (689 kb).
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For more information about this report contact William D. Heran at wheran@usgs.gov