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Ken Bird
Project Chief

David Houseknecht
Project Chief

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Oil and Gas Assessment of Central North Slope, Alaska, 2005

  Infrared satellite image of assessment area  
  False-color infrared satellite image of central North Slope assessment area. (USGS)  
  NASA Landsat photo: Alaska North Slope in Winter
  Oil pipeline on central North Slope coastal plain. Photo by Dave Houseknecht (USGS).  

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently completed a new assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the central part of the Alaska North Slope and the adjacent offshore area.

Oil and Gas Assessment of Central North Slope, Alaska, 2005
USGS Fact Sheet 2005-3043

U.S. Geological Survey 2005 Oil and Gas Resource Assessment of the Central North Slope, Alaska: Play Maps and Results. By Christopher P. Garrity, David W. Houseknecht, Kenneth J. Bird, Christopher J. Potter, Thomas E. Moore, Philip H. Nelson, and Christopher J. Schenk. USGS Open-File Report 2005-1182

NEW >>
Economics of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Central North Slope, Alaska.
By Emil D. Attanasi, Kenneth J. Bird, and Philip A. Freeman. USGS National Assessment of Oil and Gas Fact Sheet 2005-3120

NEW >>
Economics of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Central North Slope, Alaska. By Emil D Attanasi and Philip A. Freeman. USGS Open-File Report 2005-1276

Send your requests for printed copies to gd-energyprogram@usgs.gov

Central North Slope Images
Download high resolution images from the Central North Slope, Alaska project.



New Publication >>

Economics of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Central North Slope, Alaska. By Emil D. Attanasi, Kenneth J. Bird, and Philip A. Freeman.
USGS National Assessment of Oil and Gas Fact Sheet 2005-3120

Recent Publications IconRECENT PUBLICATIONS

Oil and Gas Assessment of Central North Slope, Alaska, 2005.
USGS Fact Sheet 2005-3043


USGS Alaska Science Center
Center of Excellence for the Department of the Interior to address important natural resources issues and natural hazards assessments in Alaska and circumpolar regions through long-term data collection and monitoring, research and development, and assessments and applications.


National Oil and Gas Assessment
The Energy Resources Program provides periodic assessments of the oil and natural gas endowment of the United States.



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