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Take Control of Your Health and Your Life. Get Tested for HIV.

Where Can I Get Tested?

Free and confidential or anonymous HIV tests are available. To find an HIV testing site near you, visit, or call 800-232-4636.

Why Get Tested for HIV?

Research shows that once people know that they are HIV-positive, they are more likely to seek care for themselves and protect others from becoming infected. People who do not know that they are HIV-infected generally do not take steps to protect others.

The only sure way to know if you are HIV-infected is to be tested. You cannot rely on physical appearance alone because many people who are infected with HIV may not have any visible signs for 10 or more years. Someone can look and feel perfectly healthy and still be HIV-infected and can infect others.

"Testing is one of the most important weapons we have in the war against HIV/AIDS. Widespread testing will help reach many people who are unaware of their infection."

Mike Leavitt
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Did You Know?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 1 million people in the United States are now living with HIV. One-fourth of people infected with HIV do not know they have it.

CDC recommends that all Americans, ages 13–64, be routinely tested for HIV as part of their regular health care practice.

The National HIV Testing Mobilization Campaign

The National HIV Testing Mobilization Campaign is a national effort to promote HIV testing. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is mobilizing communities to encourage their members to get tested for HIV.

Campaign Goals

The goals of the Campaign are to:

  1. Increase the number of people who get tested for HIV;
  2. Promote local, community-level discussions about HIV-related stigma and risk behaviors and increase the number of people exposed to these discussions; and
  3. Increase the number of new partnerships and collaborations addressing HIV/AIDS while maintaining existing relationships.

Campaign Sponsor

The Campaign is sponsored by the HHS Office of HIV/AIDS Policy (OHAP), in partnership with CDC and other HHS agencies and offices.

Getting the Word Out

The Campaign brings "get tested for HIV" messages to new audiences. These include civic groups, faith communities, businesses, organizations, and individuals that typically do not talk about health issues, especially HIV prevention. The Campaign is mobilizing old and new partners to get the word out to their members and constituents.

The Campaign is sending speakers and materials to events and activities across the United States, including trade shows, conventions, conferences, and festivals. By speaking out and distributing information at these events, the Campaign is spreading the word that all sexually active Americans need to be tested for HIV.

"To end the AIDS epidemic in the United States, we need to mobilize efforts in all our communities to combat HIV/AIDS and to coordinate these initiatives with research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, national organizations, and local community and church groups."

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health

Learn More!

Learn more about HIV/AIDS and what you can do to promote HIV testing to prevent the further spread of this disease.

This information gateway provides access to information on Federal HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, treatment, and research efforts. Visit

This Web site offers resources on HIV testing, including a national database of HIV testing sites, and answers to many questions about HIV/AIDS and testing. This Web site is a service of CDC. Visit

National HIV Testing Mobilization Campaign

For more information about the Campaign, visit or call 202-690-5560.