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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 01-438
version 1.0

Raster Images of Geologic Maps of Middle Proterozoic Belt strata in parts of Benewah, Bonner, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Idaho and Lincoln, Mineral and Sanders Counties, Montana

By David E. Boleneus, Larry M. Appelgate, Nancy L. Joseph, and Theodore R. Brandt


index map
Location map: Hatch patterns indicate area of eleven geologic maps. Each map is identified by filename (in large letters) of image. Geologic map scale is 1:48,000 for nine larger maps and 1:12,000-scale for maps (detail images of Troyr and Plgtmtr) of smaller areas. Pl 5r and Pl 3r consist of two separate maps (a-north,b-south). BR Brooks Mountain, GM Goat Mountain, JW Jack Waite mine, LT LaTour Peak and Boise Peak, PC Pine Creek, PR Prospect Creek, TP Thompson Pass, TR Troy mine, VR Vermilion River; Italian Gulch is located 1/4 mile north of Kellogg (from figure 1).


Geologic maps of the western part of the Belt Basin of western Montana and northern Idaho were converted into digital raster (TIFF image) format to facilitate their manipulation in geographic information systems. The 85-mile x 100-mile map area mostly contains rocks belonging to the lower and middle Belt Supergroup. The area is of interest as these Middle Proterozoic strata contain vein-type lead-zinc-silver deposits in the Coeur d’Alene Mining District in the St. Regis and Revett formations and strata-bound copper-silver deposits, such as the Troy mine, within the Revett Formation. The Prichard Formation is also prospective for strata-bound lead-zinc deposits because equivalent Belt strata in southern British Columbia, Canada host the Sullivan lead-zinc deposit.

Map data converted to digital images include 13 geological maps at scales ranging from 1:48,000 to 1:12,000. Geologic map images produced from these maps by color scanning were registered to grid tick coverages in a Universal Transverse Mercator (North American Datum of 1927, zone 11) projection using ArcView Image Analysis. Geo-registering errors vary from 10 ft to 114 ft.

Download the 35-page report as a PDF document (of01-438.pdf; 29 MB)

Download the TIFF images of these geologic maps (figures 2 –14)
this link leads to a directory containing the 13 images and the 13 associated .TFW images that GIS users need; users are referred to table 1 in the report that links filenames with figure numbers]

Download PDF versions of these geologic maps (figures 2 –14) at the same scale as the TIFF images of these maps

Note about figures 2-14: Please note that the plate numbers in lower right corner of each figure are not sequential and do not correspond to the current numbering system of the figures.

Download PDF versions of figures 1 and 15
[note: these two figures are also contained within the report]

Download the Arc Export files

Download a separate ASCII file of the FGDC-compliant metadata (24 KB)
[note: the metadata is also included in the PDF of the report as Appendix II]

For questions about the content of this report, contact Dave Boleneus or Mike Zientek

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Created June 16, 2008 (cad)
Page Last Modified: June 16, 2008 (mfd)