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U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2406

Ferricrete, manganocrete, and bog iron occurrences with selected sedge bogs and active iron bogs and springs in the upper Animas River watershed, San Juan County, Colorado

By Douglas B. Yager, Stanley E. Church, Philip L. Verplanck, and Laurie Wirt

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Version 1.1

This map was constructed to identify ferricrete occurrences in the upper Animas River watershed. Ferricrete is one indicator of pyrite oxidation and acid rock drainage that have been ongoing in this region since the late Pleistocene. The mapping of ferricrete occurrences increases our understanding of the geochemical baseline conditions that existed in the Animas River watershed prior to mining. The digital GIS coverages provided may be used to evaluate the spatial relationships among iron-rich ground water, ferricrete occurrences, structure, and alteration assemblages.

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