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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

Zachary, Mary

Institution: Montefiore Medical Center
Grant Title: Cost-Effectiveness of Domestic Violence Interventions
Grant Number: K08 HS011297
Duration: 3 years (2002-2005)
Total Award: $372,300

Project Description: This project has five main goals:

  1. To investigate the effectiveness of domestic violence intervention components.
  2. To establish a methodology to define outcome measures for domestic violence interventions that incorporate patient, community, and expert viewpoints.
  3. To explore the feasibility of monitoring these outcomes measures in this population with a longitudinal cohort study.
  4. Based on outcomes of the first three goals, to create a methodology for a cost-benefit analysis of domestic violence interventions.
  5. To use the results of this project as the basis for an R01 application to investigate the cost-effectiveness of primary care-based domestic violence interventions in a controlled clinical trial.

Career Goals: Dr. Zachary is a board-certified Family Physician and Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Her long-term goal is to become an independently and fully-funded investigator and public policy advisor on domestic violence prevention and intervention.

Progress to Date: Two manuscripts are being prepared as a result of this research.  Preliminary results suggest that provider education alone in the absence of organizational change is inadequate to improve care. Dr. Zachary has focused her research on cost effectiveness analysis and clinical trial research methodology. She has been a guest speaker for HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau research series.

Future Plans: Dr. Zachary's grant ended in September 2005.

Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:

  • Member of the North American Primary Care Research Group.
  • Member of the Society for the Teachers of Family Medicine.

K-Generated Publications: None thus far.
AHRQ Research Portfolio: Care Management: Training.
AHRQ Goals: Effectiveness

Return to Recently Funded Career Development Award Grants

Current as of October 2006

Internet Citation:

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards. October 2006. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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