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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

Stukenborg, George

Institution: University of Virginia School of Medicine
Grant Title: Mortality Risk Adjustment Using Hospital Claims Data
Grant Number: K02 HS011419
Duration: 3 years (2002-2005)
Total Award: $198,300

Project Description: This research had four specific aims:

  1. To develop improved public domain mortality risk adjustment models for use with administrative data.
  2. To rigorously validate the developed models in independent data sets. 
  3. To compare the new model's statistical performance to that of existing alternatives.
  4. To provide Internet-based public access to the developed risk adjustment models.

Career Goals: Dr. Stukenborg's career goals are to produce innovative research that improves the health of the population, to develop specialized expertise in quantitative methods in population health, to contribute to the education of other health care researchers, and to develop as an independent investigator in health services and population outcomes research.

Progress to Date: Dr. Stukenborg has 11 peer-reviewed publications, and five as lead author. He has been the principal investigator of an R01, K02, and R03 grants awarded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Dr. Stukenborg was promoted in July 2004 to Associate Professor at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Department of Health Evaluation Sciences.

Future Plans: Dr. Stukenborg's K award has been successfully completed.

 Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:

  • Professional Society/Association Memberships:
    • Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy.
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Special Emphasis Panel Member.
  • National Research Service Awards (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Award.
  • Presider of the Statistical Advances and Applications—Posters II session Statistics program at the 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association in New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005.
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Special emphasis panel member for review of applications for Request for Applications (RFA) HS-03-001, National Research Service Award Institutional Research Training Grants, 2003.
  • Seventeenth Annual Primary Care Research Methods & Statistics Conference, San Antonio, Texas, National conference session presentation, Title: "Mortality Risk Adjustment For Comorbid Disease: Methods Matter," 2002.

K-Generated Publications:

  • Stukenborg GJ, Kilbridge KL, Wagner DP, et al. Present-At-Admission Diagnoses Improve Mortality Risk-Adjustment and Allow More Accurate Assessment of the Relationship Between Volume of Lung Cancer Operations and Mortality Risk. Surgery (in press).
  • Stukenborg GJ, Wagner DP, Harrell FE. Temporal Order and Nonlinearity in the Relationship Between Lung Cancer Resection Volume and In-hospital Mortality. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 2004;5:59-73.
  • Oliver MN, Stukenborg GJ, Wagner DP, et al. Comorbid disease and the effect of race and ethnicity on In-hospital mortality from aspiration pneumonia. Journal of the National Medical Association 2004;96(1):1462-9.
  • Stukenborg GJ, Wagner DP, Harrell FE, et al. Hospital discharge abstract data on comorbidity improved the prediction of death among patients hospitalized with aspiration pneumonia. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2004;57(5):522-32.

AHRQ Research Portfolio: Data Development; Informatics; Training
AHRQ Goals: Safety and Quality

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