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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

Anzai, Yoshimi

Institution: University of Washington, Seattle
Grant Title: Randomized trial for Sinus CT for Acute Sinusitis
Grant Number: K08 HS13613
Duration: 3 years (2004-2007)
Total Award: $378,200

Project Description: The goal of this project is to conduct a randomized control trial of patients with acute sinusitis symptoms whose physicians plan antibiotic treatment. The specific aims of this proposal are:

  1. To determine if initial diagnostic work-up with computerized tomography (CT) decreases antibiotic use for patients presenting with acute sinusitis symptoms.
  2. To determine whether the inclusion of CT in an initial diagnostic work-up affects patient outcomes.
  3. To determine whether sinus CT decreases overall healthcare costs and increases cost-effectiveness for patients with acute sinusitis.

Career Goals: Dr. Anzai is an Associate Professor of Radiology, at the University of Washington and specializes in head and neck radiology. Her overall career goal is to be an independent researcher with a focus on the development and application of radiological technology, as well as the assessment of the role of such techniques in the health care system.
Progress to Date: Some patients whose primary care physicians considered antibiotic treatment for sinusitis have been enrolled in the randomized controlled study for screening sinus CT. Enrollment will continue.
Future Plans: The grantee will continue data collection and enrollment for randomized controlled trials.

Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:

  • General-Electric-Association of University Research Academic Fellow.
  • Professional Societies/Memberships:
    • American Society of Head and Neck Radiology.
    • Radiological Society of North America.
    • American College of Radiology.
    • Association of University Radiologists.
    • American Association of Women Radiologists.
    • Society of Health Services in Radiology.

K-Generated Publications:

  • Anzai Y, Weymuller EA, Yueh B, et al. The impact of sinus CT on treatment decisions for chronic sinusitis. Archives Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2004;130:423-8.
  • Anzai Y and Neighbor W. Evidence based imaging—imaging evaluation of sinusitis: Impact of Health Outcome. Evidence Based Radiology 2005.

AHRQ Research Portfolios: Training; Care Management; Technical Assessment
AHRQ Goals: Effectiveness

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