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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

Cox, Elizabeth D.

Institution: University of Wisconsin Madison
Grant Title: Shared decisionmaking and Inappropriate Antibiotic Use
Grant Number: K08 HS13183
Duration: 5 years (2002-2007)
Total Award: $578,000

Project Description: This research will develop and validate an instrument to measure shared decisionmaking in pediatric primary care; which will be used in a cross-sectional study to examine the relationship of shared decisionmaking to quality of care outcomes for children's upper respiratory infections.  The candidate hypothesizes that shared decisionmaking in acute primary care visits for upper respiratory infection will decrease inappropriate antibiotic prescribing, while providing satisfaction for both the parent and patient. If proven effective, the use of shared decisionmaking in this clinical setting will result in decreased antimicrobial resistance, decrease adverse events, and decreased cost of care, while preserving visit satisfaction.

Career Goals: Dr. Cox plans on becoming an independent health services research in doctor-patient communication, with a focus on the use of shared decisionmaking to improve quality of care for children.

Progress to Date: Dr. Cox has successfully completed her qualifying exams for a Ph.D. in Population Health Sciences with a focus on Health Serves Research and has attended appropriate professional meetings. She has also completed the preliminary exam for her dissertation.  

Future Plans: Dr. Cox will the complete the decisionmaking coding and database construction as well as analysis of the data to produce measures of the relationships in pediatric care and of shared decisionmaking. Reliability and validity of this measure will also be assessed. In addition to her academic pursuits, Dr. Cox will defend and develop manuscripts for professional publication.

Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:

  • Professional Societies:
    • Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy.
    • American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • Completed qualifying and preliminary examinations for Ph.D. in Population Health with a focus on Health Services Research, 2003.
  • Presented research findings at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting.
  • Presented research findings and participated in a panel presentation at the Academy for Health Services Research conference.
  • Presented research findings at the European Association for Communication in Healthcare meeting.
  • Attended the 2nd International Conference on Shared decisionmaking and 9th Biennial Regenstrief Conference, networking.
  • Evaluating a Web-based curriculum for 3rd year medical students.

K-Generated Publications:

  • Koscik RL, Kokotailo PK, Cox ED. Medical Student Education: Addressing Patient Mental Health Needs. Medical Education 2005;39(5):514.
  • Cox ED, Smith MA, Bartell JM. Managing Febrile Infants: Impact of Literature Published During a Physician's Residency. Evaluation and Health Professions 2005;28:1-21.

AHRQ Research Portfolios: Quality of Patient Safety; Care Management; Training.
AHRQ Goals: Safety and Quality

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