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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

Birkmeyer, Nancy

Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Grant Title: Assess and Improve the Quality of Care for Low Back Pain
Grant Number: K02 HS11288
Duration: 5 years (2000-2005)
Total Award: $417,000

Project Description: The overall purpose of this project is to evaluate and improve the quality of care for low back pain through a comparative study of the structure, process, and outcomes of care at medical centers participating in Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trials (SPORT), a National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) sponsored clinical trial designed to address the relative efficacy of surgical and non-surgical treatment for common lumbar spine conditions. The project has three goals:

  1. To characterize clinical practices.
  2. To assess outcomes of care.
  3. To link clinical practices and outcomes.

Career Goals: Dr. Birkmeyer is the Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, at the University of Michigan, Medical School.  She completed her coursework during the first year of the award. She has two main career goals:

  • To evaluate the quality of surgical and non-surgical treatment for low back pain.
  • To reduce variation in treatment practices and improve the outcomes of treatment for these conditions.

Progress to Date: The data produced thus far has been embargoed by the participating sites and cannot be reported until the enrollment of patients has been completed.  The candidate continues to meet regularly with members of her advisory panel. She moved to the University of Michigan and transferred her K02. She was also appointed to the Committee on Clinical Quality at Michigan University. Her new department chairman is supportive of her work. 

Future Plans: To proceed with developing and validating methods for risk-adjustment in order to examine relationships between structure, processes, and risk-adjusted outcomes of care for low back pain across the 11 sites participating in SPORT.

Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:

  • Member of Heart Value Surgery Workgroup, Northern New England Cardiovascular Disease Research Group.
  • Member of Committee on Clinical Quality, University of Michigan Health System.
  • Associate Director for Michigan Surgical Collaboration for Outcomes Research and Evaluation.
  • Associate Editorial Board Spine.
  • Referee for several professional journals.
  • Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • Member of the Society for Epidemiologic Research.

K-Generated Publications:

  • Birkmeyer NJO, Weinstein JN, Tosteston TD, et al. Design of the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT). Spine 2002;27(12):1361-72.

AHRQ Research Portfolios: Quality and Patient Safety: Training: Care Management.
AHRQ Goals: Safety and Quality

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