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D.R. Hutchinson
Project Chief

Tim Collett
Lead Scientist

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Gas Hydrates Related Publications and Data

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Alaska Gas Hydrate Planning Workshop Proceedings and Presentations
On August 17-18, 2005, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey hosted a workshop in Anchorage, Alaska with the primary goal of developing an improved understanding of the energy resource potential of gas hydrates in northern Alaska and identifying the various scenarios for achieving that goal. The workshop was attended by more than 50 participants, representing government, industry, and academic stakeholders in Alaskan hydrates.

DOE's The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program Interagency Coordination (USGS, one of the six government agencies mandated in the National Methane Hydrate R&D Act of 2000). Includes the brochure, “Interagency Coordination on Methane Hydrates R&D” [PDF-3221KB], describes a new type of federally funded, collaborative program in basic science and technology R&D. View presentations online from the Methane Hydrate Conference and JIP workshop for the exchange of information on on-going methane hydrate projects, including the Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Project.

Scientists gain new insights into ’frozen’ methane beneath ocean floor. (Non-USGS report) USGS was a scientific co-lead on a recent research cruise for hydrates. An international team of scientists supported by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) has completed a unique research expedition aimed at recovering samples of gas hydrate, an ice-like substance hidden beneath the seafloor off Canada’s western coast.

spotlightGas Hydrates

International Team Completes Landmark Gas Hydrate Expedition in the Offshore of India

Press Release

India Project Website


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Natural Gas Hydrates: Vast Resource, Uncertain Future.
USGS Fact Sheet 021-01


Fossil Energy: Department of Energy's Methane Hydrates R&D Program

Fire in the Ice Newsletter The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program Newsletter, Fire in the Ice, conveys information about the latest developments in methane hydrate research and development.

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