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 1.  North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance: Dry cleaning alternatives report
View the final report of the study group on Alternatives to the Predominant Dry Cleaning Processes.
URL:  http://www.p2pays.org/ref/20/19000.pdf
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A Guide to DEP Environmental Regulations and Permitting Requirements for Businesses in New York City. This site contains lists of resources for Environmental Compliance in the State of New York
URL:  http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/businesses/smartbiz.shtml
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 3.  Training Curriculum for Alternative Clothes Cleaning
This training course teaches garment care professionals and staff about wet cleaning. Developed by the University of Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute, this course explains how wet cleaning works and how to operate a wet cleaning facility. The course also explains how to convert a dry cleaning facility to a wet cleaning facility.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/dfe/pubs/garment/tech_rep/clothes.pdf
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 4.  Training Curriculum for Alternative Clothes Cleaning
This training course teaches garment care professionals and staff about wet cleaning. Developed by the University of Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute, this course explains how wet cleaning works and how to operate a wet cleaning facility. The course also explains how to convert a dry cleaning facility to a wet cleaning facility.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/dfe/pubs/garment/tech_rep/clothes.pdf
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 5.  RCRA In Focus: Dry Cleaning
Explains how the dry cleaning industry could be regulated under the RCRA program. It describes RCRA in general and includes a table detailing each requirement that might apply to this industry. The document also contains suggestions for methods of waste minimization, a summary of other laws that might be pertinent and a list of additional resources.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/id/infocus/dryclean.pdf
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 6.  RCRA In Focus: Dry Cleaning (Korean Translation)
Korean translation. Explains how the dry cleaning industry could be regulated under the RCRA program. It describes RCRA in general and includes a table detailing each requirement that might apply to this industry. The document also contains suggestions for methods of waste minimization, a summary of other laws that might be pertinent and a list of additional resources.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/id/infocus/k99005k.pdf
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 7.  A Guide To NYC Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) Regulations and Permitting Requirements for NYC Dry Cleaners (10/99)
This guide describes the primary NYCDEP permit and other compliance requirements for existing and new dry cleaners. It does not describe all of DEP's programs and requirements; however, there are several phone numbers listed you can call for more information.
URL:  http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/pdf/dryclean.pdf
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 8.  Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners - State of Michigan
This web site lists resources to assist dry cleaners to meeting Michigan clean air requirements.
URL:  http://www.deq.state.mi.us/documents/deq-ead-caap-eqp3557.pdf
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 9.  Iowa Department of Natural Resources Air Quality Technical Information
This page has links to Air Dispersion Modeling Checklist, Asbestos Regulations, Dispersion Modeling Meteorological Data References, Dispersion Modeling Guidelines, Dry Cleaning Emission Regulations, Hospital, Medical and Infectious Waste, Monitoring Network, and Open Burning.
URL:  http://www.iowadnr.com/air/prof/tech/tech.html
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 10.  National Activities: Dry Cleaning
A repository of links to regulatory and reinvention web sites on the dry cleaning industry.
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/ispd/sector/drycleaning.html
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Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008