Seven Steps
to performance-based acquisition
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step 7

Manage Performance
Apply the Six Disciplines of Performance-Based Management™

Performance-based acquisition requires "a uniquely disciplined approach to managing contract performance and to program management - one that is laser focused on strategic mission outcomes and results." In short, performance-based acquisition requires performance-based management, concludes an Acquisition Solutions® Advisory, and the application of certain disciplines to the process.

"You must align your organization strategically, prepare your people, make sure everyone understands the "rules" and their roles, set up good communications processes, recognize that there will be risk to be managed, and put in place a framework for measuring performance that lets you understand where you've been, where you are, where you need to go--and why. The six disciplines are:
  1. Cultural Transformation--Proactively manage the organizational and cultural changes integral to the success of the initiative;

  2. Strategic Linkage--Provide a consistent vision throughout the organization, making sure the desired results reflect organizational strategic goals;

  3. Governance--Establish roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authorities for project implementation;

  4. Communications--Identify the content, medium, and frequency of information flow to all stakeholders;

  5. Risk Management--Identify, assess, monitor, and manage risks; and

  6. Performance Monitoring--Analyze and report status--cost, schedule, and performance--on a regularly scheduled basis during project execution."

Applying these disciplines to contract management helps drive "performance and results throughout an agency's culture and business operations" and enhances the achievement of mission results.

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The Seven Steps
step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7