Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants

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Comments Invited on Draft Measures to RSA's VR Strategic Performance Plan Goals and Objectives

RSA is developing a Vocational Rehabilitation Strategic Performance Plan for the vocational rehabilitation (VR) program in order to ensure a long-term strategic focus on program performance, performance improvement, and outcomes for individuals with significant disabilities. RSA will use this plan to guide its administration of the VR program and address its basic challenges. By identifying goals and objectives linked to specific populations and high priority outcomes, the plan will assist RSA in monitoring progress of the VR program and provide appropriate, targeted support to state agencies toward the achievement of desired outcomes.

These goals and objectives and related performance measures will provide RSA with the foundation to begin documenting practices that lead to successful outcomes for individuals with significant disabilities and transitioning youths, identify factors that may inhibit success, and identify effective practices that help accomplish the program's mission of providing high quality vocational rehabilitation services that are tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities. RSA will use the plan to assist state VR agencies to focus their mandated planning activities on practices that will assure progress in providing high quality services for individuals with significant disabilities. Overall, the plan will promote results shaped by careful planning, monitoring of results, and implementation of strategies designed to improve performance.

download files MS Word (201K) | PDF (125K)

Previously, RSA invited comments on the Plan's draft goals and objectives. At this time RSA is inviting comments on the draft measures corresponding to the Plan's goals and objectives. Individuals and organizations that wish to submit comments on the draft measures should submit comments to the following RSA e-mail address:


For further information please contact:

Steven Zwillinger
Rehabilitation Services Administration
PCP 5066
550 12 St. SW
Washington, DC 20202
(202) 245-7313

(April 30, 2008)

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Section 107 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act), requires the commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) to conduct annual reviews and periodic on-site monitoring of programs authorized under Title I of the Act to determine whether a state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agency is complying substantially with the provisions of its state plan under Section 101 of the Act and with the Evaluation Standards and Performance Indicators established under Section 106.

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Annual Performance Report

FY 2005 Annual Program Performance Report

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Annual Review Report

In order to provide state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies, disability advocates, VR consumers and service providers, and other VR stakeholders with information on the performance of the federal/state VR program, OSERS' Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) has published the Annual Review Reports for fiscal years 2005 and 2006 for each of the 80 state VR agencies. Published online through the Department of Education's Management Information System, these reports contains the following information about each state VR agency:

  • State goals and priorities.
  • Individuals in the VR program.
  • Program outcomes.
  • Agency staffing patterns.
  • Financial data.
  • Compliance with standards and indicators.
  • State policies and procedures and also guidance materials that were issued by the agency.
  • Activities conducted by the State Rehabilitation Council or Independent Commission.
  • Status of appeals.

The reports are written in non-technical language for the general public and contain two appendixes that include statutory and regulatory definitions and reporting requirements and a guide for technical users on how to find the source data for the tables in this report.

Read the Report for Your State

To read the latest report for your state, choose Annual Review Reports for FY 2006 from the Main Menu of the RSA-MIS at http://rsamis.ed.gov

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Agency Report Cards and Monitoring Tables

The report card and the monitoring tables were created shortly after the publication of standards and indicators regulations July 5, 2000. They were designed to enable RSA staff to better monitor state agencies for performance, especially regarding standards and indicators.

The monitoring tables are divided into two groups depending on the forms from which the data were obtained. One file contains monitoring tables using the data from the RSA-113 and the RSA-2 forms for FY 2006 and the other contains monitoring tables using the data from the RSA-911.

The report card tables were created soon after the monitoring tables to add additional performance data elements. There are currently 95 different report card tables. The "Underlying Tables" spreadsheet lists the results of all 80 agencies for each data element. The group has an index from which each table is linked as well as an explanation of the data element. The "Agency Report Cards" lists each agency's results on all 95 data elements.

The following four links contain ZIP files with an MS Excel spreadsheet.

download files Agency report cards (2006) (197 KB)

download files Agency report card underlying tables (2006) (738 KB)

download files Monitoring Tables from the RSA-113 & RSA-2 (2006) (684 KB)

download files Monitoring Tables from the RSA-911 (2006) (1.08 MB)

To see the Agency Report Cards and Monitoring Tables for 2005 and earlier, visit the RSA-MIS (see below).

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The RSA Management Information System (RSA-MIS at http://rsamis.ed.gov) contains information about grantee performance in a variety of formats that may be viewed and/or downloaded.

  • Agency report cards for fiscal years 2001 thru 2005

  • Monitoring tables from the RSA-2, RSA-113 and RSA-911 reports for fiscal years 2001 thru 2005

  • Ad hoc queries on data from the RSA-2, RSA-113 and Annual Review Reports

  • Downloadable data in MS Excel format from the RSA-2, RSA-113 and Annual Review Reports

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Last Modified: 05/01/2008

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