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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Exhibit 5.1. Continuum for care management models

Exhibit showing the continuum for care management models.  For details, please go to [D] Test Description below.

[D] Text Description

This is an exhibit showing a continuum of three different care management models: Buy, Assemble or Build. There is a line with arrows pointing in opposite directions. Above the line are the three model names with Buy on the far left, Assemble in the middle, and Build on the far right. Below the line are four vertical lines showing different methods.

The continuum is laid out as follows:

Buy, then line going down to:
"Contracting with a single vendor", and another line to the right going down to:
"Contracting with multiple organizations, typically local or regional"

To the right of Assemble is a line going to:
"Developing partnerships or Memorandums of Understanding with State universities or State agencies"

Build, then line going down to:
"Administering care management with State staff"

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