Seven Steps
to performance-based acquisition
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Note: These links are provided for general information only; samples have not been approved by the 7 Steps management team.

This annual award (which debuted in 2004) recognizes any member of an acquisition team or the entire team that worked on a performance-based contract using elements prescribed in FAR 37.6 and the process outlined in the Seven Steps to PBSA guide.

Links to Performance-Based Acquisition Sites:

Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment Performance-Based Contracting (AFCEE),
Provides links to guidance and websites for performance-based contracting and performance-based management.

Performance Based Service Acquisition (PBSA) WebGuide, by the U.S. Army
Contracting Agency, Northern Region

AFFARS, Part 5337
This AFFARS Library page provides additional information related to FAR Part 37. It includes links to mandatory procedures and policy for the Air Force.

DoD “Guidebook for Performance-Based Services Acquisition,” (2000)

Know Net 2: Performance-Based Acquisition Forms & Online Reporting

National Park Service, Denver Service Center Workflow Guide

Acquisition Central,
This is the site where the Office of Federal Procurement Policy posts its acquisition information, including performance-based documents.

Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP)
This is the site where OFPP posts its policy memoranda, guides, circulars, and topical information, including competitive sourcing, performance-based acquisition, service contracting, etc.

Department of Navy,
Navy Acquisition Reform Office: "Service Contracting: A Desk Guide to Best Practices," 1998.
Navy's web-based guide on service contracting. See Library for html report version.

Department of Navy,
Seaport, Web-based guide on PBA

National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Performance-Based Contracting web page.
NASA's performance-based contracting page has information on policy and regulation, guidance on preparing performance work statements for center operations support services, and best practices.

Department of Transportation,
Performance-Based Contracting web page.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
step 6
step 7