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Interlibrary Loan Services

Materials Usually Obtainable

Materials in general circulating collections and photocopies of specific journal articles are usually available through interlibrary loan. If a circulating copy is available, most libraries will lend Master's theses.

Materials Not Usually Obtainable

Conditions for lending are set by the ILL Code of the American Library Association and by individual libraries. As a result, some materials cannot be obtained.

Software, audiovisual recordings, materials in high demand at the lending library, items with circulation limitations, and unique materials that would be difficult to replace are usually unobtainable. Reference books; bulky or fragile items that are difficult or expensive to ship; genealogical materials; textbooks; study guides; and doctoral dissertations are not usually lent. Entire issues of recent journals are not available due to copyright restrictions.

Unfilled Requests

Any unfilled requests will be returned with an indication of why they could not be filled. Reasons for unfilled requests vary. Examples include periodical or volume not owned, item not located, or article not found as cited by the lending library.

Time Frame and Notification

A minimum of 2-3 weeks should be allowed to fill requests. This time frame assumes that a library can be located immediately which will fill the request promptly. While ILL requests are usually sent electronically, materials are generally sent by library rate through the mail. Materials which are difficult to locate or which are incompletely or inaccurately cited often require more time. Patrons should note questions, problems, or urgent deadlines on the request form or discuss them with the staff. Many interlibrary loan offices are closed or do not mail library materials over the Christmas holidays.

Once the material arrives, you will receive the requested item in your interoffice mail box. If you do not have a mail box on site, you will receive a notice through the E-mail system informing you that materials are ready to be picked up in the NWRC library.

Return to the NWRC ILL Page.

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