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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 17c
Patients with breast cancer who received recommended treatment: axillary node dissection or sentinel lymph node biopsy at the time of surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy) for women with Stage I-IIb breast cancer,a by family income,b United States, 2004
Population group Total Negative/poor Near poor/low Middle High
Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total   85.0 0.2 79.6 3.5 85.0 0.2 84.5 0.4 85.1 1.1
Age Under age 40 89.0 0.7 * * 88.8 0.9 89.8 1.3 * *
40-49 89.9 0.4 * * 89.8 0.5 89.7 0.7 90.7 1.6
50-59 90.2 0.3 * * 90.6 0.4 89.2 0.6 90.2 1.7
60-69 89.4 0.4 * * 88.9 0.5 90.7 0.7 88.4 2.2
70-79 83.2 0.5 * * 83.8 0.6 81.4 1.0 80.5 3.2
80 and over 56.5 0.9 * * 58.0 1.0 52.1 1.7 * *
Health insurance, under age 65 Private 88.9 0.3 * * 88.7 0.4 88.7 0.5 89.2 1.2
Public 79.2 0.4 * * 79.9 0.4 76.3 0.8 75.0 2.4
Not insured and other 87.4 0.4 * * 89.4 0.5 88.7 0.8 87.9 2.6
Health insurance, age 65 and over Medicare only 76.7 0.9 * * 77.8 1.0 71.5 1.9 * *
Medicare and supplement 76.7 0.5 * * 77.3 0.6 75.2 1.0 75.2 2.9
Residence location Fringe metro, more than 1 million 83.8 0.3 * * 83.3 0.4 84.1 0.4 85.0 1.1
Metro, 0.25-1 million 86.2 0.4 * * 86.2 0.5 86.1 1.0 85.5 3.1
Metro, less than 0.25 million 87.0 0.6 * * 87.1 0.6 87.2 2.2 * *
Non-metro, urban 86.2 0.5 * * 86.4 0.5 82.7 3.6 * *
Completely rural 87.9 1.4 * * 87.6 1.5 * * * *
Residence location Metropolitan 84.7 0.2 79.0 4.1 84.7 0.3 84.5 0.4 85.1 1.1
  Large metropolitan, more than 1 million 83.8 0.3 * * 83.3 0.4 84.1 0.4 85.0 1.1
  Small metropolitan, less than 1 million 86.4 0.4 * * 86.6 0.4 86.3 0.9 85.9 3.0
Micropolitan 85.7 0.7 * * 85.8 0.7 83.8 3.5 * *
Noncore 87.4 0.8 * * 87.4 0.8 * * * *
  Noncore, adjacent 86.5 0.9 * * 86.5 0.9 * * * *
  Noncore, rural 90.2 1.4 * * 90.6 1.4 * * * *

a There is not full agreement regarding the appropriate population (denominator) for this measure, addressing lymph node surgery in women with breast cancer. In the most current draft form during production of the Reports, the measure specification from the National Quality Forum included only women with stage I/II cancer. Women classified as having stage III disease during lymph node surgery (based on 4 or more positive nodes) will be excluded if their stage prior to surgery (i.e., clinical stage) was not recorded. This may artificially lower the rates for this measure.

b Negative/poor refers to household incomes below $17,500; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the Federal poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

* Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: SE: standard error.

Source: Commission on Cancer, American College of Surgeons and American Cancer Society, National Cancer Data Base.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care