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Mineral Processing Wastes

This Web page is intended to provide compliance assistance to the mineral processing sector, and to assist state regulators and the public in understanding the federal requirements on the disposal of mineral processing wastes. Regulation affecting mineral processing wastes was developed through a long process covering the period 1980 to 1991. It involved numerous proposed and final rule makings and federal litigation. If a company is generating non-exempt hazardous wastes, it may need to obtain a permit from an authorized state or EPA Region. See November 2000 Enforcement Alert (PDF): (4 pp, 47K, About PDF) regarding permitting.

Due to the complicated history and evolution of the regulation of mineral processing wastes, answering the simple question of which wastes are regulated can be complex. Users should refer to the regulation and supporting documents to determine if these requirements apply to them. However, the following questions and answers may help clarify the 1980 Bevill amendment to the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA):

For additional information on the regulation of mineral processing wastes, please review the complete Bevill Amendment Issues Training page, which is used by EPA to train industry and state regulators on how the EPA regulates solid and hazardous wastes from the extraction, beneficiation, and processing of ores and minerals.

The rest of the materials noted below include all of the federal rulemakings related to the regulation of mineral processing wastes, the Reports to Congress, which were issued to support those rulemakings, Opinion letters issued by EPA which explain how the regulations apply to specific companies or to specific wastes, technical support documents that were issued to support the rulemakings, a listing of related rulemakings, and useful links to web sites containing related information about mineral processing.

Useful Links related to the Regulation of Mineral Processing Wastes

Compliance Assistance | Compliance Monitoring | Compliance Incentives


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