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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
MEPS Home Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
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Additional MEPSnet/IC Information

All the data in MEPSnet/IC are based on the tables of national and state estimates derived from the MEPS Insurance Component List sample data. If you want to analyze national or state estimates on employer-based health insurance, then MEPSnet/IC will guide you toward obtaining your statistics of interest for all available years. MEPSnet/IC does not contain any information on health insurance coverage as it pertains to individuals or families. 

To use MEPSnet, first you will be asked to select a main category of interest by choosing between statistics related to private-sector establishments or related to state and local governments. You then decide whether or not you want to focus on employers (establishments or governments), on employees, or on premiums and contributions of health insurance plans. 

Next, depending on your selected path, you may be asked to refine your query to define the types of employees or plans of interest. If you have asked for statistics on employees, you can choose to look at full-time employees only, part-time employees only, or all employees. If you have asked for statistics on premiums or contributions, you can choose among single or family plans. For premiums and contributions of plans offered by private-sector establishments, you can further refine your query to look at particular provider types. 

You then select your statistics(s). The statistics that you can choose will depend on your previous selections. 

Next, you will be given the opportunity to refine your query to look at specific groups or establishments or governments. For private sector establishments, you may have the options of looking at:

  • Specific firm size ranges
  • Industry groups
  • Ownership categories
  • Ranges of the age of firms
  • Firms with multiple locations vs. those with a single location
  • Ranges of the percent of employees that are full-time, firms with vs. without a union presence
  • Ranges of the percent of employees that have a low wage
  • States

For State and local governments, you may look at government types and sizes and Census divisions. 

For a more comprehensive look at this process, go to the step-by-step guide for making a MEPSnet/IC query

Statistical help is provided to explain how to interpret the standard errors and test of significance differences. 

A glossary of terms used, the years for which State-specific estimates are available, and other detailed MEPS-IC survey information are available in the technical notes

