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Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Part 2—Program Planning and Assessment

Budget Line 1: Research on Health Care Costs, Quality, and Outcomes—Subtotal = $255,145,000.

What the Indicators Address: Cycle of Research Phase 1: Needs Assessment.
GPRA Goal 1: Establish Research Agenda Based on User's Needs.

What the Indicators Address: Cycle of Research Phase 2: Knowledge Creation
GPRA Goal 2: Make significant contributions to the effective functioning of the US health care system through the creation of new knowledge.

What the Indicators Address: Cycle of Research Phase 3: Translation and Dissemination
GPRA Goal 3: Foster translation of new knowledge into practice by developing and providing information, products, and tools on outcomes, quality, access, cost and use of care.

What the Indicators Address: Cycle of Research Phase 4: Evaluation
GPRA Goal 4: Evaluate the effectiveness and impact of AHRQ research and associated activities.

What the Indicators Address: Lead role for quality initiative
GPRA Goal 5: Support Department-wide Initiative to Improve Health Care Quality through leadership and research.

Budget line 2: Medical Panel Expenditure Surveys—Subtotal = $48,500,000

What the Indicators Address: Core MEPS activities
GPRA Goal 6: Collect current data and create data tapes and associated products on health care use and expenditures for use by public and private-sector decision makers and researchers.

Budget line 3: Program Support—Subtotal = $2,600,000

What the Indicators Address: Agency management activities: contracts management and the AHRQ Intranet.
GPRA Goal 7: Support the overall direction and management of AHRQ

Total = $306,245,000

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care