Table 1. Ratings of Domestic Violence Training Sessions

Training ComponentPercent of Participants Who Considered the Component Essential or Important
1. Epidemiology (background information on incidence and dynamics of domestic violence)66.7
2. Overview of identification and management for victims71.3
3. Overview of identification and management for abusers70.5
4. Discussion of legal issues71.3
5. Confidentiality issues for domestic violence patients68.8
6. Community resources for domestic violence69.3
7. Researchers' resources for domestic violence70.9
8. Patient behavior change theory51.9
9. Role play in interview techniques51.9
10. Videotapes of domestic violence scenarios41.0
11. Presentation by a former victim44.4
12. Domestic violence case discussions41.3

Source: Thompson RS, Meyer BA, Smith-DiJulio K, et al. A training program to improve domestic violence identification and management in primary care: preliminary results. Violence Vict 1998; 13(4):395-410.

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