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October 28, 2008


Highlights from Health 2.0: User-Generated Healthcare 2008

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Health 2.0 door

Last week, over 1,000 healthcare and technology industry leaders met in San Francisco for Health 2.0: User-Generated Healthcare 2008 Exit Disclaimer. The conference co-founders, Matthew Holt, author of The Health Care Blog Exit Disclaimer, and Indu Subaiya, MD, packed the two-day event with many presenters and panel discussions on “Web 2.0 technologies, healthcare, and all points between.” This post will share just a few of the many highlights from the event which we found particularly relevant to HIV/AIDS service providers.

Patients Want to Guide Their Care

Matthew opened the conference by talking about the key features of Health 2.0: “personalized search; community; tools for content delivery; and better integration of data and content,” along with “patients guiding their care.” Throughout the conference there were discussions and demonstrations of tools to help patients manage their health, such as WebMD Exit Disclaimer, Microsoft’s HealthVault Exit Disclaimer, Google Health Exit Disclaimer, Aetna Exit Disclaimer, and Yahoo! Health Exit Disclaimer.

Health 2.0 Continues to Grow Domestically and Abroad

A new documentary, The Great American Motorcycle Health 2.0 Tour Exit Disclaimer, premiered at the conference. For the film, David Kibbe, MD, MBA, and advisor to the Center for Health Information Technology Exit Disclaimer at the American Academy of Family Physicians Exit Disclaimer interviewed experts on the latest Health 2.0 innovations going on around the country. Most of the experts in the film also presented at the conference. They represented sites like American Well Exit Disclaimer, PatientsLikeMe Exit Disclaimer, the NYTimes “Well Exit Disclaimer” blog, Hello Health Exit Disclaimer, CVS Minute Clinic Exit Disclaimer, Change Healthcare Exit Disclaimer, MedHelp Exit Disclaimer, and Kosmix Exit Disclaimer.

Mobile research and applications were among the tools highlighted at the conference. Deb Levine of ISIS Exit Disclaimer showed us a tool that allows mobile users to text “HIVinfo” to “61827” and receive HIV-prevention information in return. Kevin Noland, CEO of ADAM Exit Disclaimer, showcased an iPhone application that searches health information and uses the phone’s GPS capacity to locate a doctor who can treat particular conditions. Dr. Jay Bernhardt of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention commented that, of all the new media tools, “mobile has the greatest potential public-health impact -- giving the ability to reach across all groups.”

Conference Photo

“Gaming in Health Care” Session at Health 2.0

Meeting the Needs of Patients and Providers

Conference speakers also gave important reminders and advice. Doug Solomon of IDEO Exit Disclaimer focused on the need to understand end users: “We can’t do it from the office with the door closed, looking at a computer--we need to be a part of their lives.” James Matthews of Sage Software Exit Disclaimer emphasized the importance of starting with “the passion to deliver healthcare and then find the right technology.” Bill Crounse, from Microsoft Exit Disclaimer, discussed the need to find a way to reimburse providers for delivering information to patients “how, when, and where people need it.”

Looking Ahead

The growing number of new media tools and Health 2.0 initiatives offer endless possibilities for linking and engaging people with HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, treatment, and support information. But first, we need to learn what our users want (and continue to check in with them along the way). And we need to continue to share our “lessons learned” with each other. As Robert Kolodner from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology stated in the closing session: “We have the tools and are beginning to learn how to use them, but we need to continue to have a ‘network of networks’ where knowledge is shared.”

At AIDS.gov we are working to create a “network of networks” by developing an HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Cross-Promotion Group that consists of government and community partners. We use this group to share information, tools, and the new media lessons we have learned. As Michael Ruppal from The AIDS Institute Exit Disclaimer (which coordinates National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day Exit Disclaimer) told us: “The AIDS Institute is proud to be part of a national network that is committed to promoting comprehensive HIV/AIDS awareness. Since HIV/AIDS impacts so many lives on a daily basis--not just one or two days a year--it is important that we have promotional events, activities, announcements, and educational materials that keep these highly complex health issues at the forefront of everyone’s agenda throughout the year.”

Michael continued by saying, “This network has helped educate the community and media and is a trusted source of information about the impact of HIV/AIDS on the populations that are most affected. The AIDS Institute will continue to use our resources to work closely with the network partners to promote and educate everyone, until there is no more need for us to do so.”

Want to Learn More about Health 2.0?

Intrigued by the examples and tools we’ve listed here? Check out the Health 2.0 Blog Exit Disclaimer, Icyou Health 2.0 video channel Exit Disclaimer and the Health 2.0 Facebook group Exit Disclaimer to learn more and continue the dialogue. And save the date for the next Health 2.0 Conference on April 22-23rd, 2009 in Boston!

Did you attend Health 2.0? If so, how do you plan to apply what you learned at the conference to your work?


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I am very technology driven and a avid user of web 2.0 and a Second Life Resident but I am an exception. How can we bring other PWA's into Virtual Worlds and Web 2.0. Is there an initiative to get HOPWA involved to provide computers and training for the people living in their facilities to be able to socialize with other hiv + people from around the world. I think its great to be used for prevention and awareness but how can we challenge and motivate growth among the PWA population.

Thanks for your comment, Ricky. Access to computers (and training on how to use them) is definitely a core need. We aren't aware of any particular initiatives like those you mentioned - if other readers know of any, please let us know! We'll do some research and see if we can find any initiatives or programs doing this work.

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