USGS - science for a changing world

North Dakota Water Science Center

Bibliographic Listing of Reports and Abstracts

  1. Abbott, G.A., 1959, The fluoride content of North Dakota ground waters as related to the occurrence and distribution of mottled enamel: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 9, 15 p.

  2. Abbott, G.A.; Voedisch, F.W., 1938, The municipal ground water supplies of North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 11, 99 p.

  3. Ackerman, D.J., 1977, Ground-water basic data for Morton County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 27, pt. II, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 72, pt. II, 592 p. -- URL

  4. Ackerman, D.J., 1980, Ground-water resources of Morton County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 27, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 72, pt. III, 51 p. -- URL

  5. Ackerman, D.J., 1980, Water-quality reconnaissance of the Middle and North Branch Park River watersheds, northeastern North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-449, 27 p.

  6. Ackroyd, E.A., 1967, Preliminary map showing the estimated potential yields of the Little Muddy aquifer, Williams County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey open-file report 67-1, 1 sheet.

  7. Adolphson, D.G., 1960, Test drilling in the Walhalla area, Pembina County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground Water Studies No. 30, 19 p.

  8. Adolphson, D.G., 1961, Geology and ground water resources of the Drake area, McHenry County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground Water Studies No. 31, 44 p. -- URL

  9. Adolphson, D.G., 1961, Glacial drift aquifers in the Gackle area, Logan and Stutsman Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground Water Studies No. 33, 16 p. -- URL

  10. Adolphson, D.G., 1962, Artesian water from glacial drift near Lehr, Logan and McIntosh Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground Water Studies No. 38, 22 p. -- URL

  11. Adolphson, D.G., 1962, Ground water in the Hatton area, Traill and Steele Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground Water Studies No. 39, 23 p. -- URL

  12. Akin, P.D., 1946, Ground water in beach deposits of glacial Lake Agassiz near Mountain, Pembina County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 2, 24 p. -- URL

  13. Akin, P.D., 1947, Geology and ground water conditions at Minot, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 6, 99 p. -- URL

  14. Akin, P.D., 1951, Ground water in the Mohall area, Bottineau and Renville Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 17, 76 p. -- URL

  15. Akin, P.D., 1952, Ground water in the Litchville area, Barnes County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 18, 51 p. -- URL

  16. Anderson, H.W., Jr., 1969, Water Resources, Appendix B, Souris-Red-Rainy River Basins framework study--Ground-water section: National Water Assessment North Dakota-53-0, 46 p.

  17. Anna, L.O., 1980, Ground-water data for Billings, Golden Valley, and Slope Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 29, pt. II, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 72, pt. II, 241 p. -- URL

  18. Anna, L.O., 1981, Ground-water resources of Billings, Golden Valley, and Slope Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 29, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 76, pt. III, 56 p. -- URL

  19. Anna, L.O.; Croft, M.G., 1977, Confining beds in aquifer system overlying the Pierre Shale, Fort Union Coal Region [abs.]: 30th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section, GSA, Missoula, Montana, May 12-13, 1977.

  20. Armstrong, C.A., 1963, Ground-water resources near Max, McLean and Ward Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 45, 24 p. -- URL

  21. Armstrong, C.A., 1965, Geology and ground water resources of Divide County, North Dakota, part II, Ground water basin data: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 45 and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 6, 112 p. -- URL

  22. Armstrong, C.A., 1967, Geology and ground water resources, Divide County, North Dakota, part III, Ground water resources: Wd, 56 p. -- URL

  23. Armstrong, C.A., 1967, Geology and ground water resources, Williams County, North Dakota, part II, Ground-water basic data: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 48 and North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 9, 132 p. -- URL

  24. Armstrong, C.A., 1969, Geology and ground water resources of Burke and Mountrail Counties, part II, Ground water basic data: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 55 and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 14, 282 p. -- URL

  25. Armstrong, C.A., 1969, Geology and ground water resources, Williams County, North Dakota, part III, Hydrology: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 48 and North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 9, 82 p. -- URL

  26. Armstrong, C.A., 1971, Ground-water resources of Burke and Mountrail Counties: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 55, pt. III, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 14, pt. III, 86 p. -- URL

  27. Armstrong, C.A., 1975, Ground-water basic data for Emmons County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 23, pt. II, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 66, pt. II, 375 p. -- URL

  28. Armstrong, C.A., 1978, Ground-water resources of Emmons County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 23, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 66, pt. III, 43 p. -- URL

  29. Armstrong, C.A., 1978, Preliminary map showing availability of ground water from glacial-drift aquifers in Dickey and LaMoure Counties, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-501, 1 sheet.

  30. Armstrong, C.A., 1979, Ground-water basic data for Ransom and Sargent Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 31, pt. II, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 69, pt. II, 637 p. -- URL

  31. Armstrong, C.A., 1980, Ground-water resources of Dickey and LaMoure Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 28, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 70, pt. III, 61 p. -- URL

  32. Armstrong, C.A., 1980, Preliminary map showing availability of ground water from glacial-drift aquifers in Ransom and Sargent Counties, southeastern North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-505W, 1 sheet. -- URL

  33. Armstrong, C.A., 1981, Supplement to predictive modeling of effects of the planned Kindred Lake on ground-water levels and discharge, southeastern North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-646, 15 p. -- URL

  34. Armstrong, C.A., 1982, Evaluation of the hydrologic system in the New Leipzig coal area, Grant and Hettinger Counties, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-698, 41 p. -- URL

  35. Armstrong, C.A., 1982, Ground-water resources of Ransom and Sargent Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 31, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 69, pt. III, 51 p. -- URL

  36. Armstrong, C.A., 1983, Evaluation of the effects of Lake Audubon on ground- and surface-water levels in the Lake Nettie area, eastern McLean County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4242, 41 p. -- URL

  37. Armstrong, C.A., 1984, Evaluation of the hydrologic system and potential effects of mining in the Dickinson lignite area, eastern Slope and western Stark and Hettinger Counties, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4194, 35 p. -- URL

  38. Armstrong, C.A., 1985, Hydrologic effects of withdrawal of ground water on the West Fargo aquifer system, eastern Cass County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4279, 28 p. -- URL

  39. Armstrong, C.A., 1985, The geohydrologic system and probable effects of mining in the Sand Creek-Hanks lignite area, western Williams County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4089, 36 p. -- URL

  40. Armstrong, C.A.; Crosby, O.A.; Horak, W.F.; Houghton, R.L., 1987, Hydrogeologic system and probable hydrologic consequences of mining in the M and M lignite area, southeastern Williams County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4134, 48 p. -- URL

  41. Armstrong, C.A.; Luttrell, S.P., 1978, Ground-water basic data for Dickey and LaMoure Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 28, pt. II, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 70, pt II, 557 p. -- URL

  42. Arndt, B.M., 1975, Geology of Cavalier and Pembina Counties: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 62, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 20, pt. I, 68 p. -- URL

  43. Aronow, Saul, 1957, On the postglacial history of the Devils Lake region, North Dakota: Journal of Geology, v. 65, no. 4, p. 410-427.

  44. Aronow, Saul, 1963, Late Pleistocene glacial drainage in the Devils Lake region, North Dakota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 74, p. 859-874.

  45. Aronow, Saul; Dennis, P.E.; Akin, P.D., 1953, Geology and ground-water resources of the Michigan City area, Nelson County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 21, 125 p. -- URL

  46. Aronow, Saul; Dennis, P.E.; Akin, P.D., 1953, Geology and ground-water resources of the Minnewaukan area, Benson County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 19, 125 p. -- URL

  47. Atwood, J.W., 1990, Presentation of water-quality data using a computerized geographic information system [abs.]: North Dakota Water Quality Symposium, Fargo, North Dakota, March 20-21, 1990, p. 48.

  48. Atwood, J.W., 1993, User documentation for North Dakota geochemical data-base software system--Input, update, and retrieval procedures: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-117, 28 p. -- URL

  49. Babcock, E.J., 1903, Water resources of the Devils Lake region, North Dakota, in The lignite coal fields of North Dakota, University of North Dakota School of Mines Bulletin no. 1: Grand Forks, North Dakota, p. 208-250.

  50. Baker, C.H., Jr., 1966, Geology and ground water resources of Richland County, part 2, Basic data: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 46 and North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 7, 170 p. -- URL

  51. Baker, C.H., Jr., 1966, Milnor channel, An ice-marginal course of the Sheyenne River, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 550-B, p. B77-B79.

  52. Baker, C.H., Jr., 1967, Geology and ground water resources of Richland County, part 1, Geology: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 46 and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 7, 45 p. -- URL

  53. Baker, C.H., Jr., 1967, New observations on the Sheyenne delta of glacial Lake Agassiz: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 575-B, p. B62-B68.

  54. Baker, C.H., Jr.; Paulson, Q.F., 1967, Geology and ground water resources, Richland County, North Dakota, part III, Ground water resources: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 46 and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 7, 45 p. -- URL

  55. Beeks, C.H., Jr., 1967, Hatton water supply survey, Steel, Traill, and Grand Forks Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 66, 35 p. -- URL

  56. Beeks, C.H., Jr., 1967, Investigation of ground-water conditions at Lake Metigoshe State Park, Bottineau County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 68, 18 p. -- URL

  57. Berkas, W.R., 1990, Water-quality data-collection program of the U.S. Geological Survey in North Dakota [abs.]: North Dakota Water Quality Symposium, Fargo, North Dakota, March 20-21, 1990, p. 48.

  58. Berkas, W.R., 1992, Sediment data collection in the Missouri River between Garrison Dam and Lake Oahe, North Dakota [abs.]: Proceedings, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 25-26, 1992, p. 249. -- abstract URL

  59. Berkas, W.R., 1993, North Dakota stream water quality: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2400, p. 429-436. -- URL

  60. Berkas, W.R., 1994, Water-quality trends in North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey surface-water monitoring program [abs.]: Proceedings, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium, Fargo, North Dakota, March 30-31, 1994, p. 283. -- abstract URL

  61. Berkas, W.R., 1995, Transport and sources of sediment in the Missouri River between Garrison Dam and the headwaters of Lake Oahe, North Dakota, May 1988 through April 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4087, 26 p. -- URL

  62. Berkas, W.R., 1996, North Dakota wetland resources: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2425, p. 303-308. -- URL

  63. Berkas, W.R., 1996, Water-quality characteristics of Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota [abs.]: Proceedings, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 20-21, 1996, p. 145. -- abstract URL

  64. Berkas, W.R., 2000, Occurrence, distribution, and concentration of hydrocarbons in and near the Shell Valley Aquifer, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-194, 20 p. -- URL

  65. Berkas, W.R.; Komor, S.C., 1996, Arsenic and selenium in soils and shallow ground water in the Turtle Lake, New Rockford, Harvey Pumping, Lincoln Valley, and LaMoure irrigation areas of the Garrison Diversion Unit, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Repor. -- URL

  66. Blakey, J.F., 1966, Temperature of surface waters in the coterminus United States: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-235, 8 p.

  67. Bluemle, J.P., 1965, Geology and ground water resources of Eddy and Foster Counties, North Dakota, part I, Geology: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 44 and North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 5, 66 p. -- URL

  68. Bluemle, J.P., 1967, Geology and ground water resources of Traill County, part I, Geology: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 49 and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 10, 34 p. -- URL

  69. Bluemle, J.P., 1971, Geology of McLean County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 60, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 19, pt. I, 65 p. -- URL

  70. Bluemle, J.P., 1973, Geology of Nelson and Walsh Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 57, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 17, pt. I, 70 p. -- URL

  71. Bluemle, J.P., 1975, Geology of Griggs and Steele Counties: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 64, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 21, pt. I, 50 p. -- URL

  72. Bluemle, J.P., 1979, Geology of Dickey and LaMoure Counties: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 70, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 28, pt. I, 72 p. -- URL

  73. Bluemle, J.P., 1979, Geology of Ransom and Sargent Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 69, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 31, pt. I, 84 p. -- URL

  74. Bluemle, J.P., 1981, Geology of Sheridan County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 75, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 32, pt. I, 59 p. -- URL

  75. Bluemle, J.P., 1982, Geology of McHenry County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 74, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 33, pt. I, 49 p. -- URL

  76. Bluemle, J.P., 1984, Geology of Emmons County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 66, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 23, pt. I, 69 p. -- URL

  77. Bluemle, J.P., 1984, Geology of Towner County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 79, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 36, pt. I, 44 p. -- URL

  78. Bluemle, J.P., 1985, Geology of Bottineau County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 78, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 35, pt. I, 57 p. -- URL

  79. Bluemle, J.P., 1989, Geology of Renville and Ward Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Industrial Commission Geological Survey Division Bulletin 50, pt. 1, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 11, pt. 1, 62 p. -- URL

  80. Bluemle, J.P.; Faigle, G.A.; Kresl, R.J.; Reid, J.R., 1967, Geology and ground water resources of Wells County, part I, Geology: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 51 and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 12, 39 p. -- URL

  81. Bradley, Edward; Jensen, H.M., 1962, Test drilling near Beulah, Mercer County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground Water Studies No. 40, 19 p. -- URL

  82. Bradley, Edward; Petri, L.R.; Adolphson, D.G., 1963, Geology and ground water resources of Kidder County, North Dakota, part III, Ground water and chemical quality of water: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 36 and North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 1, 38 p. -- URL

  83. Briel, L.I., 1988, Summaries of water-quality data collected during 1979-87 for selected James River and refuge locations in North Dakota and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-732, 197 p. -- URL

  84. Briel, L.I., 1989, Dissolved-solids data for the James River salinity model, North Dakota and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-43, 239 p. -- URL

  85. Brigham, M.E., 1994, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium Proceedings: Pesticides detected in surface waters and fish of the Red River of the North drainage basin: North Dakota Water Quality Symposium ProceedingsNorth Dakota State University Extension Service, Fargo, North Dakota, March 30-31, 1994, p. 256-269.

  86. Brigham, M.E.; Goldstein, R.M.; Tornes, L.H., 1998, Trace elements and organic chemicals in stream-bottom sediment and fish tissues, Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, 1992-95: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation 97-4043, 38 p. -- URL

  87. Brigham, M.E.; Payne, G.A., 1999, Stream water-quality characteristics and trends, James River Basin, North Dakota, 1949-95: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4187, 129 p. -- abstract URL

  88. Brigham, M.E.; Tornes, L.H., 1996, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium Proceedings: Trace elements and organic contaminants in stream sediments from the Red River of the North Basin, 1992-95: North Dakota Water Quality Symposium ProceedingsNorth Dakota State University Extension Service, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 20-21, 1996, p. 135-144.

  89. Brookhart, J.W.; Powell, J.E., 1961, Reconnaissance of geology and ground water of selected areas in North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground Water Studies No. 28, 91 p. -- URL

  90. Brown, D.W., 1968, Preliminary ground-water availability map of Kidder County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey open-file report 68-26, 1 sheet.

  91. Bue, C.D., 1963, Principal lakes of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 476, 22 p. -- URL

  92. Bue, C.D., 1970, Streamflow from the United States into the Atlantic Ocean during 1931-60: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1899-I, 36 p. -- URL

  93. Bureau of Land Management, 1977, Resource and potential reclamation evaluation, Beulah trench: EMRIA Report No. 10, no consecutive page numbers.

  94. Burkart, M.R., 1979, An appraisal of pumping effects on the Edgeley aquifer, LaMoure County, North Dakota, as determined by a digital model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-748, 22 p.

  95. Burkart, M.R., 1980, Ground-water data for Sheridan County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 32, pt. II, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 75, pt. II, 302 p. -- URL

  96. Burkart, M.R., 1981, Ground-water resources of Sheridan County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 32, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 75, pt. III, 32 p. -- URL

  97. Burkart, M.R.; Randich, P.G., 1980, Preliminary map showing availability of ground water from glacial-drift aquifers in Sheridan County, central North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-504W, 1 sheet. -- URL

  98. Burke, P.A., 1979, Ground-water resources of the Zap area, Mercer County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies Open File Report Number 86, 60 p. -- URL

  99. Busby, M.W., 1966, Annual runoff in the conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-212, 1 pl.

  100. Buturla, Frank, Jr., 1967, Preliminary ground-water availability map of Wells County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey open-file report 67-32, 1 p.

  101. Buturla, Frank, Jr., 1968, Geology and ground water resources of Wells County, North Dakota, part II, Ground water basic data: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 51 and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 12, 118 p. -- URL

  102. Buturla, Frank, Jr., 1970, Geology and ground water resources of Wells County, part III, Ground water resources: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 51 and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 12, 57 p. -- URL

  103. Byers, A.C.; Wenzel, L.K.; Laird, W.M.; Dennis, P.E., 1946, Ground water in the Fargo-Moorhead area, North Dakota and Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Progress Report, 72 p.

  104. Callender, Edward, 1968, The postglacial sedimentology of Devils Lake, North Dakota: University of North Dakota, Ph.D. dissertation, 312 p.

  105. Carlson, C.G., 1973, Geology of Mercer and Oliver Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 56, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 15, pt. I, 72 p. -- URL

  106. Carlson, C.G., 1979, Geology of Adams and Bowman Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 65, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 22, pt. I, 29 p. -- URL

  107. Carlson, C.G., 1982, Geology of Grant and Sioux Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 67, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 24, pt. I, 32 p. -- URL

  108. Carlson, C.G., 1983, Geology of Billings, Golden Valley, and Slope Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 76, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 29, pt. I, 40 p. -- URL

  109. Carlson, C.G., 1983, Geology of Morton County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 72, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 27, pt. I, 37 p. -- URL

  110. Carlson, C.G., 1985, Geology of McKenzie County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 80, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Groundwater Studies 37, pt. I, 48 p. -- URL

  111. Carlson, C.G.; Freers, T.F., 1975, Geology of Benson and Pierce Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 59, pt. I, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 18, pt. I, 32 p. -- URL

  112. Cates, S.W.; Aiken, C.; Balde, M.; Ziegler, D., 1992, High-accuracy gravity data used for rapid delineation of small, shallow aquifers in west-central North Dakota [abs.]: 1992 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, p. 155. -- abstract URL

  113. Cates, S.W.; Macek-Rowland, K.M., 1998, Water resources of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, west-central North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 98-4098, 75 p. -- abstract URL

  114. Christensen, P.K.; Miller, J.E., 1988, The hydrologic system of the lower James River, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission Water-Resources Investigation 2, part II, 100 p. -- URL

  115. Clayton, Lee, 1962, Glacial geology of Logan and McIntosh Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 37, 84 p. -- URL

  116. Clayton, Lee, 1972, Geology of Mountrail County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 55, pt. IV, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Study 14, pt. IV, 70 p. -- URL

  117. Colby, B.R.; Oltman, R.E., 1948, Discharge and runoff in the Missouri River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 37, 11 p. -- URL

  118. Comesky, A., 1983, Ground-water resources of the Powers Lake area, Burke County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Sutdies No. 85, 55 p. -- URL

  119. Comesky, A.E.; Reiten, J., 1982, Ground-water resources of the Surrey area, Ward County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 87, 99 p. -- URL

  120. Cooley, M.E., 1983, Identification and plotting of the linear features: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-937, 1 sheet. -- URL

  121. Cowdery, T.K., 1995, Similar agricultural areas, different ground-water quality--Red River of the North Basin, 1993-95: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-441, 4 p. -- URL

  122. Cowdery, T.K., 1997, Shallow ground-water quality beneath cropland in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota and North Dakota, 1993-95: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4001, 52 p. -- URL

  123. Cowdery, T.K.; Goff, K.L., 1994, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium Proceedings: Nitrogen concentrations near the water table of the Sheyenne Delta aquifer beneath cropland areas, Ransom and Richland Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Water Quality Symposium ProceedingsNorth Dakota S, Fargo, North Dakota, March 30-31, 1994, p. 89-102.

  124. Cowdery, T.K.; Saylor, K.N., 1996, North Dakota Water Quality Symposium Proceedings: Contrasting water quality of two surficial aquifers in the Red River of the North drainage basin, North Dakota and Minnesota: North Dakota Water Quality Symposium ProceedingsNorth Dakota State University E, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 20-21, 1996, p. 146.

  125. Crawley, M.E.; Croft, M.G., 1978, Cation-exchange characteristics of Tongue River sediments at the Gascoyne strip mine, North Dakota [abs.]: 31st Annual Meeting of Rocky Mountain Section, GSA, Provo, Utah, April 28-29, 1978.

  126. Crawley, M.E.; Emerson, D.G., 1981, Hydrologic characteristics and possible effects of surface mining in the northwestern part of West Branch Antelope Creek Basin, Mercer County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 81-79, 73 p. -- abstract URL

  127. Croft, M.G., 1970, Ground water basic data, Mercer and Oliver Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 56, pt. II, and North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 15, pt. II, 268 p. -- URL

  128. Croft, M.G., 1971, A method of calculating permeability from electric logs: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 750-B, p. B265-B269. -- URL

  129. Croft, M.G., 1973, Ground-water resources, Mercer and Oliver Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground Water Studies 15, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 56, pt. III, 81 p. -- URL

  130. Croft, M.G., 1974, Ground-water basic data for Adams and Bowman Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 22, pt. II, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 65, pt. II, 294 p. -- URL

  131. Croft, M.G., 1974, Water Supply at Painted Canyon Overlook, Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park (South Unit), southwestern North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 74-136, 35 p.

  132. Croft, M.G., 1978, Ground-water resources of Adams and Bowman Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 22, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 65, pt. III, 54 p. -- URL

  133. Croft, M.G., 1985, Ground-water data for McKenzie County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 37, pt. II, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 80, pt. II, 455 p. -- URL

  134. Croft, M.G., 1985, Ground-water resources of McKenzie County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 37, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 80, pt. III, 57 p. -- URL

  135. Croft, M.G.; Crosby, O.A., 1987, Hydrology of area 46, northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Coal Provinces, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 84-467, 80 p.

  136. Croft, M.G.; Downey, J.S., 1975, Effects of strip mining on water quality at the Gascoyne lignite mine, Bowman County, North Dakota [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs, Rocky Mountain Section 28th Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, v. 7, no. 5, Boise, Idaho, May 3-6, 1975, p. 600.

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  403. Naplin, C.E., 1970, Ground-water survey of the Buxton area, Traill County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 71, 93 p. -- URL

  404. Naplin, C.E., 1971, Geology and ground-water resources of Kidder County, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 49 and North Dakota Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 10, 56 p. -- URL

  405. Naplin, C.E., 1973, Ground-water resources of the Ellendale area, Dickey County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies No. 75, 128 p. -- URL

  406. Naplin, C.E., 1974, Ground-water resources of the Halliday area, Dunn County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 78, 56 p. -- URL

  407. Naplin, C.E., 1974, Ground-water resources of the Lawton area, Ramsey County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 77, 36 p. -- URL

  408. Naplin, C.E., 1975, Ground-water resources of the Cathay area, Wells County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 80, 54 p. -- URL

  409. Naplin, C.E., 1976, Ground-water resources of the Edgeley area, LaMoure County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 82, 56 p. -- URL

  410. Naplin, C.E., 1976, Ground-water resources of the Oberon area, Benson County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 83, 32 p. -- URL

  411. Naplin, C.E.; Shaver, R.B., 1978, Ground-water resources of the New Salem area, Morton County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 84, 72 p. -- URL

  412. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1968, Interim North Dakota State water resources development plan--Appendix A, An inventory of water storage ...; Appendix B, A statewide analysis of soil types...; Appendix D, An inventory of legal drains…: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Seri.

  413. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1968, Interim North Dakota State water resources development plan--Appendix D, An economic analysis of water resource development for irrigation in North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series No. 8, 90 p.

  414. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1968, Interim North Dakota State water resources development plan--Appendix E, The North Dakota wetlands problem: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series No. 8, no consecutive page numbers.

  415. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1968, Interim North Dakota State water resources development plan: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series No. 8, 240 p.

  416. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1971, Appendix, The plan of water and related land resources development for the Knife River Basin: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series No. 26, 158 p.

  417. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1971, The plan of water and related land resources development for the Knife River Basin: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series No. 26, 105 p.

  418. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1973, Goose River Basin plan for water and related land resources development: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series No. 28, 131 p.

  419. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1975, The West River study--An analysis of alternatives for developing and managing the West River area's water and related land resources--Appendix D, Mineral resources; Appendix E, Potential projects, Appendix F, Economic value...; Appendix G, Environmental...

  420. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1975, The West River study--An analysis of alternatives for developing and managing the West River area's water and related land resources--The main report: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series No. 30, 274 p.

  421. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1975, The West River study--An analysis of alternatives for developing and managing the West River area's water and related land resources; Appendix A, Basic data; Appendix B, Hydrology; Appendix C, Soils: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series .

  422. North Dakota State Water Commission, 1978, Southwest area water supply study: North Dakota State Water Commission, 140 p.

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  426. Nustad, R.A.; Bales, J.D., 2006, Simulation of constituent transport in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota and Minnesota, during unsteady-flow conditions, 1977 and 2003-04: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5296, 58 p. -- URL

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  428. Oltman, R.E.; Tracy, H.J., 1951, Trends in climate and in precipitation-runoff relation in Missouri River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 98, 113 p. -- URL

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  430. Patch, J.C.; Haffield, N.D., 1982, Estimated use of water for North Dakota, 1982: North Dakota State Water Commission Information Series No. 33, 1 p.

  431. Paulson, Q.F., 1951, Ground water in the Neche area, Pembina County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 16, 37 p. -- URL

  432. Paulson, Q.F., 1952, Geology and occurrence of ground water in the Streeter area, Stutsman, Logan, and Kidder Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 20, 73 p. -- URL

  433. Paulson, Q.F., 1953, Ground water in the Fairmount area, Richland County, North Dakota, and adjacent areas in Minnesota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 22, 67 p. -- URL

  434. Paulson, Q.F., 1954, Geology and occurrence of ground water in the Stanley area, Mountrail County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 23, 59 p. -- URL

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  443. Paulson, Q.F.; Powell, J.E., 1957, Geology and ground-water resources of the Upham area, McHenry County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 26, 66 p. -- URL

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  479. Randich, P.G.; Ghering, G.E., 1975, Results of aquifer testing in the Belcourt area, Rolette County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-396, 31 p.

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  481. Randich, P.G.; Kuzniar, R.L., 1982, Preliminary map showing availability of water from glacial-drift aquifers in Towner County, north-central North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-767, 1 sheet. -- URL

  482. Randich, P.G.; Kuzniar, R.L., 1984, Ground-water resources of Bottineau and Rolette Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 35, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 78, pt. III, 41 p. -- URL

  483. Randich, P.G.; Kuzniar, R.L., 1984, Ground-water resources of Towner County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission County Ground-Water Studies 36, pt. III, and North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 79, pt. III, 26 p. -- URL

  484. Randich, P.G.; Petri, L.R.; Adolphson, D.G., 1962a, Geology and ground water resources of Kidder County, North Dakota, part II, Ground water basic data: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 36 and North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 1, 134 p. -- URL

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  487. Rau, J.L.; Bakken, W.E.; Chmelik, James; Williams, B.J., 1962, Geology and ground water resources of Kidder County, North Dakota, part 1, Geology: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 36 and North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 1, 70 p. -- URL

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  493. Robinove, C.J., 1956, Geology and ground-water resources of the Hettinger area, Adams County, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission North Dakota Ground-Water Studies No. 24, 44 p. -- URL

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  496. Robinson, S.M.; Lundgren, R.F.; Sether, B.A.; Norbeck, S.W.; Lambrecht, J.M., 2004, Water resources data, North Dakota water year 2003, volume 1. surface water: Water-Data Report ND-03-1, 583 p. -- URL

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  498. Robinson, S.M.; Rosenkranz, D.R., 2006, Water resources data--North Dakota water year 2005 volume 2. ground water: Water-Data Report ND-05-2, 88 p. -- URL

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  508. Ryan, G.L.; Wiche, G.J., 1988, Hydrology of the chain of lakes tributary to Devils Lake and water-level simulations of Devils Lake, northeastern North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4020, 39 p. -- URL

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  518. Ryberg, K.R.; Vecchia, A.V., 2006, Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for the Devils Lake Basin, North Dakota, January 1965 through September 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5238, 64 p. -- URL

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  521. Sando, S.K.; Krabbenhoft, D.P.; Johnson, K.M.; Lundgren, R.F.; Emerson, D.G., 2007, Mercury and methylmercury in water and bottom sediments of wetlands at Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, 2003-04: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5219, 66 p. -- URL

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  677. Wiche, G.J.; Benson, R.D.; Emerson, D.G., 1989, Streamflow at selected gaging stations on the James River in North Dakota and South Dakota, 1953-82, with a section on climatology: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 89-4039, 99 p. -- URL

  678. Wiche, G.J.; Guttormson, K.G; Robinson, S.M.; Mitton, G.B.; Bramer, B.J., 2002, June 2002 floods in the Red River of the North Basin in northeastern North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-278, 8 p. -- URL

  679. Wiche, G.J.; Hoetzer, S.M.; Rankl, J.G., 1986, Hydrology of the Devils Lake Basin, northeastern North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission Water-Resources Investigations Report 3, 86 p. -- abstract URL

  680. Wiche, G.J.; Jenson, S.K.; Baglio, J.V.; Domingue, J.O., 1990, Application of digital elevation models to delineate drainage areas and compute hydrologic characteristics for sites in the James River Basin, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-593, 39 p.

  681. Wiche, G.J.; Jenson, S.K.; Baglio, J.V.; Domingue, J.O., 1992, Application of digital elevation models to delineate drainage areas and compute hydrologic characteristics for sites in the James River Basin, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2383, 23 p. -- abstract URL

  682. Wiche, G.J.; Knox, J.L., 1993, Relations between upper-air flow patterns, climate, and hydrologic variability in the Red River of the North Basin, United States and Canada [abs.]: Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science 85th Annual Meeting, April 1993, v. 47, p. 4. -- abstract URL

  683. Wiche, G.J.; Knox, J.L.; Welsh, L.E., 1993, Relations between upper-air flow patterns, climate, and hydrologic variability in the Red River of the North Basin in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan [abs.]: Proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Global Change Forum, Reston, Virginia, March 18-21, 1991, p. 112-113. -- abstract URL

  684. Wiche, G.J.; Lent, R.M.; Rannie, W.F., 1996, Comment on "Little Ice Age" Aridity in the North American Great Plains--A High-resolution reconstruction of salinity fluctuations from Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA: The Holocene, v. 6, no. 4, p. 489-490. -- abstract URL

  685. Wiche, G.J.; Lent, R.M.; Rannie, W.F.; Vecchia, A.V., 1997, A history of lake-level fluctuations for Devils Lake, North Dakota, since the early 1800's: Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science 89th Annual Meeting, v. 51, Grand Forks, North Dakota, April 24-25, 1997, p. 34-39.

  686. Wiche, G.J.; Martin, C.R.; Albright, L.L.; Wald, G.B., 1997, 1997 flood tracking chart for the Red River of the North Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-193, 1 sheet. -- URL

  687. Wiche, G.J.; Martin, C.R.; Albright, L.L.; Wald, G.B., 1997, 1997 flood tracking chart for the Sheyenne River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-177, 1 sheet.

  688. Wiche, G.J.; Pusc, S.W., 1994, Hydrology of the Devils Lake area, North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission Water Resources Investigation 22, 24 p. -- URL

  689. Wiche, G.J.; Vecchia, A.V., 1995, Lake-level frequency analysis for Devils Lake, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-123, 65 p. -- URL

  690. Wiche, G.J.; Vecchia, A.V., 1995, Probability of future lake levels for Devils Lake, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-158-95, 2 p. -- URL

  691. Wiche, G.J.; Vecchia, A.V., 1996, Lake-level frequency analysis for Devils Lake, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2469, 57 p. -- URL

  692. Wiche, G.J.; Vecchia, A.V.; Osborne, Leon, 2000, Climatology and potential effects of an emergency outlet, Devils Lake Basin, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-089-00, p. 4. -- URL

  693. Wiche, G.J.; Vecchia, A.V.; Osborne, Leon; Wood, C.M.; Fay, J.T., 2000, Climatology, hydrology, and simulation of an emergency outlet, Devils Lake Basin, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4174, 16 p. -- URL

  694. Wiche, G.J.; Williams-Sether, Tara, 1997, Streamflow characteristics of streams in the upper Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-416, 374 p. -- URL

  695. Williams-Sether, Tara, 1992, Techniques for estimating peak-flow frequency relations for North Dakota streams: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 92-4020, 57 p. -- URL

  696. Williams-Sether, Tara, 1994, Climatic and hydrologic aspects of the 1988-92 drought in North Dakota [abs.]: 39th Annual Midwest Ground-Water Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota, October 16-18, 1994. -- abstract URL

  697. Williams-Sether, Tara, 1996, Analysis of the peak-flow gaging network in North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4178, 25 p. -- URL

  698. Williams-Sether, Tara, 1999, Estimated and measured bridge scour at selected sites in North Dakota, 1990-97: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4124, 54 p. -- abstract URL

  699. Williams-Sether, Tara, 1999, From dry to wet, 1988-97, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-075-99, 4 p. -- URL

  700. Williams-Sether, Tara, 2000, High-streamflow statistics of selected streams in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Manitoba: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-344, 498 p. -- URL

  701. Williams-Sether, Tara, 2003, Estimated level 1.5 bridge scour at selected sites in North Dakota, 1999-2002: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-134, 10 p. -- URL

  702. Williams-Sether, Tara, 2004, Regression equations for estimating concentrations of selected water-quality constituents for selected gaging stations in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Re. -- URL

  703. Williams-Sether, Tara, 2004, River gain and loss studies for the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota and Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1076, 21 p. -- URL

  704. Williams-Sether, Tara, 2008, Streamflow characteristics of streams in the Helmand Basin, Afghanistan: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 333, 341 p. -- URL

  705. Williams-Sether, Tara, 2008, Streamflow characteristics of streams in the Helmand Basin, Afghanistan: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008-3059, 4 p. -- URL

  706. Williams-Sether, Tara; Asquith, W.H.; Thompson, D.B.; Cleveland, T.G.; Fang, Xing, 2004, Empirical, dimensionless, cumulative-rainfall hyetographs developed from 1959-86 storm data for selected small watersheds in Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5075, 131 p. -- URL

  707. Williams-Sether, Tara; Lent, R.M.; Wiche, G.J., 1996, Variations in surface-water quantity and quality as a result of the 1993 summer flood in the Devils Lake Basin, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4028, 32 p. -- URL

  708. Williams-Sether, Tara; Macek-Rowland, K.M.; Emerson, D.G., 1994, Climatic and hydrologic aspects of the 1988-92 drought and the effect on people and resources of North Dakota: North Dakota State Water Commission Water Resources Investigation 29, 57 p. -- URL

  709. Williams-Sether, Tara; Wiche, G.J., 1998, Streamflow statistics of selected streams in the lower Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Manitoba: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-21, 407 p. -- URL

  710. Winter, T.C., 1975, Delineation of buried glacial-drift aquifers: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 3, no. 2, March-April 1975, p. 137-148.

  711. Winter, T.C., 1976, Numerical simulation analysis of the interaction of lakes and ground water: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1001, 45 p. -- URL

  712. Winter, T.C., 1977, Classification of the hydrologic settings of lakes in the north-central United States: Water Resources Research, v. 13, no. 4, p. 753-767.

  713. Winter, T.C., 1978, Numerical simulation of steady-state, three-dimensional ground-water flow near lakes: Water Resources Research, v. 14, no. 2, p. 245-254.

  714. Winter, T.C., 1982, Bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey studies of lakes and reservoirs, the first 100 years: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 859, 35 p. -- URL

  715. Winter, T.C., 1988, A conceptual framework for assessing cumulative impacts on the hydrology of nontidal wetlands: Environmental Management, v. 12, no. 5, p. 605-620.

  716. Winter, T.C., 1989, Hydrologic studies of wetlands in the northern prairie, in van der Valk, Arnold, ed., Northern Prairie Wetlands: Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University Press, p. 16-54.

  717. Winter, T.C., 1990, Hydrologic function of wetlands: U.S. Geological Survey Yearbook Fiscal Year 1989, p. 29-31.

  718. Winter, T.C., 1995, A landscape approach to identifying environments where ground water and surface water are closely interrelated, in Charbeneau, R.J., ed.: Groundwater Management--Proceedings of the International Groundwater Management Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, p. 139-144.

  719. Winter, T.C., 1995, Hydrological processes and the water budget of lakes, in Lerman, A., Imboden, D.M., and Gat, J.R., eds., Physics and chemistry of lakes: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, p. 37-62.

  720. Winter, T.C., 1995, Recent advances in understanding the interaction of ground water and surface water, in U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994, Reviews of Geophysics: Supplement to v. 33, p. 985-994.

  721. Winter, T.C., 1999, The occurrence of wetlands within the context of hydrologic landscapes: Proceedings of Specialty Conference on Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change to Water Resources of the United States, American Water Resources Association, Atlanta, Georgia, May 10-12, 1999, p. 235-239.

  722. Winter, T.C., 2000, The vulnerability of wetlands to climate change: a hydrological landscape perspective: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 36, no. 2, p. 305-311.

  723. Winter, T.C., ed., 2003, Hydrological, chemical, and biological characteristics of a prairie pothole wetland complex under highly variable climate conditions : the Cottonwood Lake area, east-central North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1675, 109 p. -- URL

  724. Winter, T.C.; Benson, R.D.; Engberg, R.A.; Wiche, G.J.; Emerson, D.G.; Crosby, O.A.; Miller, J.E., 1984, Synopsis of ground-water and surface-water resources of North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-732, 127 p. -- URL

  725. Winter, T.C.; Carr, M.R., 1980, Hydrologic setting of wetlands in the Cottonwood Lake area, Stutsman County, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 80-99, 42 p. -- URL

  726. Winter, T.C.; Harvey, J.W.; Franke, O.L.; Alley, W.M., 1998, Ground water and surface water - a single resource: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1139, 79 p. -- URL

  727. Winter, T.C.; LaBaugh, J.W.; Rosenberry, D.O., 1988, The design and use of a hydraulic potentiomanometer for direct measurement of idfferences in hydraulic head between ground water and surface water: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 33, no. 5, p. 1209-1214.

  728. Winter, T.C.; Rosenberry, D.O., 1995, The interaction of groundwater with prairie pothole wetlands in the Cottonwood Lake area, east-central North Dakota 1979-90: Wetlands, v. 15, no. 3, p. 193-211.

  729. Winter, T.C.; Rosenberryy, D.O.; Sturrock, A.M., 1995, Evaluation of eleven equations for determining evaporation for a small lake in the north-central United States: Water Resources Research, v. 31, no. 4, p. 953-964.

  730. Winter, T.C.; Woo, M-K, 1990, Hydrology of lakes and wetlands, in Wolman, M.G., and Riggs, H.C., eds., Surface Water Hydrology: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. 0-1, p. 159-187.

  731. Winters, H.A., 1963, Geology and ground water resources of Stutsman County, North Dakota, part I, Geology: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 41 and North Dakota State Water Conservation Commission County Ground Water Studies 2, 84 p. -- URL

  732. Wolock, D.M.; Winter, T.C.; McMahon, G., 2004, Delineation and evaluation of hydrologic landscape regions in the United States using geographic information system tools and multivariate statistical analyses: Environmental Management, v. 34, Supplement 1, p. S71-S88.

  733. Woo, M.K.; Winter, T.C., 1993, The role of permafrost and seasonal frost in the hydrology of northern wetlands in North America: Journal of Hydrology, v. 141, no. 1-4, p. 5-31.

  734. Yang, Daqing; Goodison, B.E.; Metcalfe, J.R.; Golubev, Valentin S.; Elomaa, Esko; Gunther, Thilo; Bates, Roy; Pangburn, Timothy; Hanson, C.L.; Emerson, Douglas; Copaciu, Violete; Milkovic, Janja, 1995, Accuracy of Tretyakov precipitation gauge: Result of WMO intercomparison: Hydrological Processes, v. 9, p. 877-895.

  735. Yang, Daqing; Goodison, Barry E.; Metcalfe, John R.; Louie, Paul; Leavesley, George; Emerson, Douglas; Hanson, Clayton L.; Golubev, Valentin S.; Elomaa, Esko; Gunther, Thilo; Pangburn, Timothy; Kang, Ersi; Milkovic, Janja, 1999, Quantification of precipitation measurement discontinuity induced by wind shields on national gauges: Water Resources Research, v. 35, no. 2, p. 491-508.

  736. Yang, Daqing; Kane, D.L.; Hinzman, L.D.; Goodison, B.E.; Metcalfe, J.R.; Louie, P.Y.T.; Leavesley, G.H.; Emerson, D.G.; Hanson, C.L., 2000, An evaluation of the Wyoming gauge system for snowfall measurement: Water Resources Research, v. 36, no. 9, p. 2665-2677.

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