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  Publication Details

   State Differences in Job-Related Health Insurance, 1998
Product type:
   Chartbook 7
MEPS component:
   Insurance Component
Publication date (print version):
   September 2001
Web posting date:
   October 22, 2001
   This report presents estimates of workers' access to job-related health insurance, the cost of that insurance, and the choice of plans available to workers in 1998. The estimates in this report are based on the most recent data available from MEPS at the time the report was written. However, selected elements of MEPS data may be revised on the basis of additional analyses, which could result in slightly different estimates from those shown here.
Pub #:
   AHRQ Pub. No. 01-0036
   James M. Branscome, M.S., Erwin Brown, Jr., B.S.
   Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
PDF link:
   data_files/publications/cb7/cb7.pdf (849 KB)
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