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InstantWorld:  Locating an Internet Café in Houston, Texas - Answer Key

Author:  Joseph J. Kerski, Geographer, USGS,, 303-202-4315

Your Name:            _______________________________________________

Date:                       ___________________________

1)  [Look at the files being downloaded   Tgr48201grp00.shp.  The state is 48 and the county is # 201.]

2)  [tgr48201lKA.shp]

3)  [tgr48201lKA.shp]

4)  [tgr48000sf1grp.dbf]

5)  [Census 2000]

6)  [The streams appear to be running from West to Southeast.   Larger streams appear on the east side of the county.]

7)  [The streams move from west to southeast towards the Gulf of Mexico .]

8)  [ Buffalo Bayon]

9)  [The streets are very dense in the Houston area and less dense as you move to the surrounding areas.]

10)  [I-610] 

11)  [A1,  A2,   A3]

12)  [Length, Feature Type, Feature Name]

13)  [ 14,463]

14)  [1911]

15)  [The entire state of Texas .]

16)  [Stfid]

17)  [The data from the .dbf file has been appended to the group table.]

18)  [The table is wider, but still contains the same number of records.]

19)  [When tables are joined all the fields or data from the FROM table are added to the TO table based on the specified  join key. ]

20)  [1911]

21)  [Most of the 15 - 17 year olds are located outside the city of Houston .  The downtown area of Houston has a very small amount of youths in the 15 - 17 age bracket.

22)  [Vary low.]

23)  [More schools in the suburbs.  There should be more schools in the areas where the larger school age population live.]

24)  [ 0.166 - 0.214

        0.214 - 0.253

        0.253 - 0.667]

25)  [The block groups are located outside the city of Houston .]

26)  [In the suburbs of Houston .]

27)  [GIS clubs should be placed in areas that are more accessible to the 5 - 17 year old group that would use them.]


29)  [1911/5 = about 382]

30)  [Both show the lack of young people in the 5 - 17 year old ranger in Houston .   They group the youth in different class ranges. ]

31)  [Both maps show that Houston has vary few young people.   Some of the census groups are placed in a different class.]

32)  [Most of the observations fall within one of three classes.  The patterns appear to be smoother in the Equal Interval.]

33)   [ 0  -  0.133

         0.133 - 0.267

         0.267 - 0.4

         0.4 - 0.533

         0.533 - 0.667]   

34)  [The classes intervals are very similar most of the time.  Sometimes they are slightly off because of rounding errors.   The classification is trying to place the same geographic area in each class so the boundaries should be the same.]

35)  [They both show that the youth population is in the suburbs of Houston .  The Standard Deviation method is showing that most of the youth lie within 1 standard deviation of the mean.] 

36)  [All the classification methods show about the same pattern that the youth in Harris county are located in the suburbs.  I think the Natural Breaks method gives a clearer representation of which block groups contain the 5 -17 age group.]

37)  [No - They all show that the youth are located in the suburbs.]

38)  [The larger circle represented the total block group population.  The slice of pie represented the amount of 5 - 17 year olds in the block group as it relates to the total population.]

39)  [The graduated color maps are easier to understand since they use color to show the percentage of youth in each block group.]

40)  [The graduated maps show and represent the distribution of youth in  away that is easy to visualize.]

41)  [African Americans are not located in the heart of Houston .  The African Americans are located in pockets in the Northeast and South of Houston. ]

42)  [Groups of Hispanics can be found in North Houston and in the Southeastern part of the city.]

43)  [Asians are located in the Western part of Harris county.  Asians are not concentrated in the center of Houston .]

44)  [Native Americans live evenly throughout the county.  No strong pockets exist in the county.]

45)  [No large pockets stand out.  Multiracial Americans  appear to live mostly in the Houston area.]

46)  [Hispanic and African Americans]

47)  [Native Americans and Multiracial Americans]

48)  [The more racially mixed an area is the more people will be exposed to different customs and cultures.

49)  [323]

50)  [In the suburbs of Houston .]

51)  [123]

52)  [North and East of Houston .]

53)  [One in North Houston and one in Southeast  Houston .]

54)  [50]

55)  [A few block groups South of Houston and more groups Northeast of Houston.]

56)  [One in the Northeast and one in the South of Houston.]

57)  [7]

58)  [A few block groups located Southeast and Southwest of Houston.]

59)  [Two clubs located Southeast of Houston and one located Southwest of Houston.]

60)  [Fewer Asians make up each of the block groups.]

61)  [Golf Courses, Fitness clubs, Restaurants]

62)  [West and North groups.   Schools, day care centers, clubs.]

63)  [The maps look like the exact opposite of each other.  An area that is highlighted in one is not as highlighted  as the other.   This means that areas that have higher median age have fewer family members.  As young  people age they leave home for school or move to another location for work.]

64)  [Group 1   -  4.62 members - The block group is located in the central part of the county.]

65)  [As young  people age they leave home for school or move to another location for work.  So as the median age increase the number of family members decreases.]

66)  [You should see larger concentrations of young people in areas that have higher average family size and the median age will be lower.    As families age more family members are added.  When children reach a certain age they leave home reducing the family size while leaving their aging parents at home.]

67)  [A location of a street segment from a given point of reference.]

68)  [A dot is placed at the location of the specified address.  The map is centered using the new location as a center point.] 

69)  [In the center or downtown Houston .]

70)  [ Richmond , Cummins, and Weslayan]

71)  [ Houston City Hall ]

72)  [ 7th Street ] 

73)  [Fename]

74)  [1600]

75)  [Toaddl 1898]

76)  [Fraddr 1601]

77)  [Toaddr 1899]

78)  [South and West]

79)  [37 - good match,   2 - partial match]

80)  [The school district just covers the local Houston area and not the suburbs.]

81)  [39]

82)  [Buffers are drawn in the shape of a circle around a point feature.]

83)  [The longitude numbers are negative since Texas is West of the prime Meridian.]

84)  [South]

85)  [6 universities -  Each university is assigned a row or one record.]

86)  [Some of the University buffers overlap.  Some of the university buffers overlap the high school buffers.]

87)  [The result of the intersect only leaves those areas that fell in both the High school and University areas.  Those areas that overlap will be selected.  The remaining shapes are located in the downtown Houston area.]

88)  [Selects those Houston block groups were the number of 18 -21 year olds as a percentage of the total population are greater than 10%.]

89)  [This age group can be found in pockets in the North, East and center of Houston .  

The areas are located near the universities.]

90)  [Most of the areas selected are in the center of the city.  There is one area that is larger than all the other areas.]  

91)  [3303 street segments]

92)  [Make the Hs_univ theme active.  From the Theme menu access the Select By Theme operation.  Do an intersect operation using the street theme as the interset feature.]

93)  [Look at the table and three rows are selected.  A visual look will show 7 separate polygons have been selected.]

94)  [About 1.3 to 1.5 KM]

95)  [ Texas Southern University]

96)  [Contemporary, Houston Night School, Middle College for Technology]

97)  [Two of the internet cafes will be located on either side of  the University of Texas Southern along Cleburne Street  one on each side of the university.  This will place the cafes close to several high schools in the area.   This same area has the largest concentration of 17 - 21 year old students in the Houston area.  The third cafe will be located on Almeda or Macgregor Street in a small area of young people that is clse to two other universities and another larger area of young population.  All the cafe locations would be  located in the center of Houston near the universities high schools and arears of 17 - 21 year olds.] 

98)  [A company would be interested in areas that were not run down,  had people near by that would spend money on coffee and need to access to the internet on a regular basis.  What would be the accessibility to the cafe from the surrounding neighborhoods.]


100)  [GIS can be used to look at an area’s demographics.  It can also be used for site selection.]

101)  [The site selection process involves GIS operations on layers until one gets a final layer to analyze.]

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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center

URL: /public/outreach/gislessons/internetcafelesson_houston_av3_key.html
Last modified:  25 March 2005