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You are visiting the web site of the EPSCI Program at the U.S. Dept. of Energy's Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA

The Ames Laboratory's Environmental & Protection Sciences Program is playing an important role in the U. S. Department of Energy's initiative to clean up hazardous waste, responding to remediation problems that need faster, safer, better or cheaper technological solutions. You'll find information here about those technologies, the scientists behind them, and our efforts to move these technologies into the marketplace.

And because environmental issues affect everyone, not just scientists, we provide lay-level descriptions for many of our technology projects. We've also done this in our "Library" section, providing additional reference materials in nontechnical language, such as our summary of cleanup terms, environmental geology terms, an acronym list, and pointers to other Internet servers that specialize in environmental information.

Enjoy your Internet surfing but please bear with us as some information is still under construction.

--- Overview ---

--- Projects ---

--- Scientists ---

--- Library ---

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Security and privacy notice Disclaimer

We are curious about what you think of our World-Wide Web server and are interested in any comments or suggestions that you have for improving it.

Please e-mail comments to: epsciwebkeeper@ameslab.gov.

Last modified: 1 April 2002 by dave eckels
EPSCI Homepage: www.epsci.ameslab.gov/index.html